97 | Still Here

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Thank you @Fairqytales for the cute photo! I heard there were a lot of Wattpad glitches last week but here's to hoping you got to this chapter ok :)  

Chapter 97: Still Here

It's hard to deny desire. I felt it with every step Luke took towards me. His blue eyes were fixed on me like I was the only person in the room. I wanted us to be.

And to feel his breath on my lips – even though I had so much to say, a kiss has the power to say more.

He could kiss me where it hurts until it doesn't.

Luke reached me and stood in front of me, in the middle of the crowd. I've waited for him. A strong and impulsive boy who turned me into a hopeless romantic. I had almost been ready to trade my values for him.

We all have those frozen parts of ourselves that only melt if we open ourselves fully to someone. I don't think I'm ready. I've experienced heartbreak one too many times to open myself up again so easily. But with patience, I can.

I want him to give me time. In time, I can grow into someone who can openly love and trust. Luke stood opposite me, so close to me, but not touching.

"How do we move past this?" he asked in his deep voice, and the music from the stage was a dramatic accompaniment to his words, "We've been arguing so much."

"I'm tired of it too," I responded, "It's because we're learning about each other and ourselves at the same time. It's difficult."

"We're very different people."

"True. But we've always known that."

The music got louder as the chorus of the rock band on stage started to play. The crowd around us got more active and someone accidentally pushed me. Luke shoved them back and held my waist, while I held onto his muscular arm for support.

Luke was willing to change, but he's also strong willed. He won't trade his values. So I guess we're similar in that sense.

I never would've guessed that watching Luke bully people would be where the line was drawn between us. But that is a line I will always stand by. We live in a vicious world and, in my mind, intimidation is never ok – it's not ok when the athlete does it, when the camp counselors do it, when the ex-best friend, the ex-boyfriend or the adults do it.

If I have to lose the man I love over it, then he isn't the man I thought he was.


~Oma's POV, twenty minutes before~

The bar was getting loud as it filled up ahead of the singing competition. It wasn't our usual hangout.

I don't know much about Jake. He showed up this year out of the blue and then rumors started to fly around that he was Luke's brother. Luke never confirmed it.

Turns out, Jake likes to sing. Finally, a guy in this group who isn't an athlete.

I've known Luke for a long time now, and I respect his privacy. He's a fun guy, and there's no denying his dedication to basketball. Everyone has their own affairs and, if he wants to keep certain things private, he should. That's why I didn't like this idea.

"B, I wish you told me we were here for Jake," I said, as we carried our cocktails to a high-top table, "You said we were just going out."

"We are just going out," Bianca answered with a sly smile, "Luke doesn't have a say about where we go or who we see."

Sometimes I think Luke must have powers because he's played a real mind game on my friend. I just hope he wouldn't do the same to Millie.

"Is it necessary to antagonize him?" I replied, "Luke's our friend and this'll make him uncomfortable."

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