58 | Compass

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Final poll result had 64% on Team Millie and 36% on Team Luke! 

Thank you @_.chamu_manodya for the poster - I like the ball placement. No pun!

Chapter 58: Compass

We made a disaster out of dinner. Some chairs were on the floor, wine was spilt on the table and we were having so many arguments it was hard to keep track.

"Everyone, follow me," Chadwick senior ordered.

We obeyed. No one said a word as we walked through the rooms of the villa. His house, his rules.

It felt like an entourage of remorseful puppies. Well, maybe not. Luke didn't seem remorseful at all.

And I felt sorry for Chad's dad's friend who was awkwardly following us. He had no idea what was going on or who we were. I think he just came for a calm dinner and got a whole show instead.

Chad Senior brought us to the living room where the chef and a couple maids were starting to clean the kitchen and the dishes from dinner. He asked them to stop working so he could speak with everyone's full attention.

"This group of princesses," he pointed to our whole group, "Think they can come here, fight and live easy. Do you know how lucky you are to be a bunch of high schoolers on vacation for new years?"

He waited. We realized he wanted an answer, so everyone murmured "lucky" at various pitches.

"Very lucky," he confirmed, "And that's why I'm going to solve this problem. No chauffeurs for you and no club table tonight. No help tomorrow. Everything you want to have will have to be organized by yourselves."

Chadwick Senior turned to his staff, "I thank you all for the fantastic work you have been doing here. I will, of course, continue to pay you but do not work tonight or tomorrow. These princesses will be taking care of things."

The staff were staring at him, as confused as we were. What was happening?

"As for tonight, you will talk this through as well as clean up the mess you made during dinner. Is that clear?" he asked us, and no one answered. He repeated, louder, "I said, is that clear?"

"Yes sir!"


Before Chadwick Senior left us, he picked up the remote control for the TV and the speakers. Then he and his friend went to another room in the villa, where they continued to enjoy a relaxing night.

The rest of us were left standing in the middle of the living room. It was awkward. So many of us had issues – not to mention with each other.


Chad was the first to speak up, "Look what you've all done."

"This is how you get punished?" Luke laughed, "No chauffeur for the night?"

"So what's the plan?" Oma asked practically. She was the only person not embroiled in some argument here.  Crickets responded.

Chad finally spoke up, "Why don't I leave you all to talk this out? I wasn't involved in any of your dramas so I can't be punished."

He started to leave, but as he did, Luke lazily reached out his arm and physically stopped him. "You're not going anywhere. You brought her here."

He didn't even look at Bianca when he said it.

"We told you not to," Austin grumbled.

"Yeah," Chad confirmed, "I brought her here, just like I brought all of you. This is my place. Anyone who has issues with that shouldn't have come."

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