10 | Queasy

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Chapter 10: Queasy

I don't understand.

My life went from rom com to horror in five seconds flat.

It started as a romantic afternoon with Luke. We were kissing and reminiscing about our childhoods and Al the ice cream truck driver. Now the only ice cream I see in my future is when I-scream.

OK, this is not the time for jokes Millie, I scolded myself.

I may be going crazy. Or I may already be crazy... That would explain so much.

I squeezed my eyes shut, counted to three, and opened them again.

Bloody jersey still there.

So I'm not hallucinating.


I was frozen in the hallway. My bag had slipped from my shoulders and landed with a thud next to my feet. This was a real situation. I'm not dreaming, I'm not hallucinating. This is real.

My eyes zoned in on the jersey. It was scrunched up and hanging over my brass doorknob. Blood dripped from the shirt to the carpet like teardrops.

I could recognize the basketball jersey as one from our school team – I've seen Luke in it enough times to recognize it.

"Breathe," I told myself, speaking out loud now.

Now that reality was the only option, I realized just how long it takes me to react. I mean, my reflexes have never been my strong suit.

I forced out all the scary thoughts. The whose blood is this? Is someone hurt? Is someone about to hurt me?

I need to move. I need to do something. Time has been rolling and I have not moved an inch. Instead, I'm having the longest conversation with myself in my head.

"Help," I squeaked.

Maybe a pigeon would've heard me. They have really good hearing, right?

Not the point.

I took three steps back and my legs felt like lead. Ooh boy, was I in trouble.

With shaky hands, I knelt to the ground and unzipped my bag. I rummaged for my phone while my eyes stayed fixed on the jersey and ultimately pulled it out. There was only one person I could think to call.

I just hoped he'd pick up.

The phone rang.

On the fourth ring, he picked up.

His voice breezed through the phone: "Changed your mind about knocking boots?"


He could sense the tension on the call. "Minnie? What's wrong?"

"There's..." I exhaled and tried again, "I..."

I don't know why the words weren't coming to me. I guess I was scared to verbalize what I was seeing. It would make it infinitely more real.

"Stay there. I'm coming over," he said and hung up.

Thank you.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. I felt better already knowing that Luke was coming over. This situation had made me scared and vulnerable and I feel like he's a source of confidence and strength.

Then I remembered something.

Flora was here.

I stood up and left the contents of my backpack sprawled across the hallway. My hands gripped the banister as I peered downstairs. Flora was sitting on our green sofa, with her laptop on her lap and the TV on in front of her. Her hair was wet and wrapped in a towel on top of her head.

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