44 | Single pringle

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Never forget the raccoon! @Slightlyy.bookish thank you for this poster with a very classic Luke&Millie conversation :)  

Chapter 44: Single pringle

It was early December and we gathered outside the Dawsons' house. Porch lights created a warm glow around the entrance.

Annika had brought her packed bags to the front door, ready for the airport. 

She held onto her coat and stalled at the entrance, waiting to say goodbye to Luke's parents. Jake picked her brown bags up and started to load them into the back of Luke's car.

It was getting cold and I'd wrapped myself in an oversized hoodie that was definitely Luke's. He left it in my room a couple weeks ago and I've been taking very good care of it ever since.

Maybe I'll give it back when it stops smelling of him. 

Annika finally stepped out of the Dawson house and she had an emotional look on her face. "I'm going to miss this place."

That's when Luke appeared, joining us from round back.  By his clothes, I could tell he had just been working out.  

"Are you going back to New York?" I asked Annika, one eye still on my hot boyfriend approachign us.

"Miami," she answered. "Trick."

"You know what a trick is in American slang?" Jake asked, closing the hood of Luke's car.

"What is it? Have I said something naughty?" she asked, inspecting our expressions for a clue.

Jake defined it as, "A man who spends a lot of money, either directly or indirectly, to sleep with women."

Annika looked even more confused. "Indirectly? How can one spend money indirectly to sleep with someone?'

"Annika, that's what dating is," Jake answered.

Luke stood beside me. He noticed my hoodie and smirked. 

Then he joined in on the conversation, without missing a beat, "Anyone else think Jake's feeling romantically exploited?" 

"Do you know what year it is?" Jake answered, "Everyone still single is being exploited romantically." 

Well that's a hot take.


"Aren't you cold?" I asked Luke, rubbing his arms for him.

"I'm running low on hoodies," he responded, tugging at the hood of mine. Well, his technically.

He leant down and gave my frozen lips a kiss.

"OK lovebirds. I'm heading out," Annika came up to us, enveloping us in a bear hug, "Come visit me in Johannesburg. I'll be there for New Years and then back in New York at the beginning of Jan."

"I wish we could," I said, "Never been to South Africa but I'd love to one day. It's been really nice having you herre."

Luke looked over at his brother and chucked him his car keys. Jake caught it in one hand. 

No one commented about the catch, but I enviously watched the coordination.

Jake said stiffly, "Thanks for letting me borrow your car."

It was the first time I'd ever heard him thank his brother. I could hear in the stiffness of his voice that he felt uncomfortable doing so.

"Fill the gas tank and we'll call it even," Luke answered.

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