27 | Winnifred

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What a moood this poster from @Madi.Dufort puts me in.  So relaxing.  Thanks Madi!

Chapter 27: Winnifred

"Did you have sex with Luke?"

"Why is that your first question, Cearra?" I asked her on the phone while I dragged my duffel bag up the stairs.

Luke had just dropped me off at home and I was already on the phone with Cearra.

"Why isn't it yours?" her voice blared out through my headphones, "If a romantic weekend by the lake isn't enough for you to do some healthy banging, then I don't know what is."


"Everyone's got to clean their pipes. If I were you, I wouldn't even need that cabin. I'd do it in a bush for Luke f*cking-but-you-haven't-f*cked-him-yet Dawson."

"I am so scarred by this conversation," I said.

Luke and I have not been dating for that long. The peer pressure was starting to mount.

I'm. Not. Ready. For. That.  

It's my decision and I'll be the one living with it.  

Unfortunately, I know too many people who regret sleeping with someone too early.  I have seen my own sister devastated after a guy she loved broke up with her and called her a sl**.  It's a real problem and it's not often talked about.

All we see in movies, music and shows are the exact opposite.  Am I sleeping with someone because I want to or because others expect it of me?

I know that it will be worth the wait.  And if he's not willing to wait?  Then he isn't worth it.        

Call me a prude or call me a tease.  I really don't care.

"I've told you before that I see myself married to your boyfriend, right?" Cearra asked innocently, and I could hear her younger siblings screaming in the background.

"Yes. Married with three kids and a do-"

"Dog named Claude," she finished, "Great, just wanted to make sure we cleared the air on that one."

"That's not weird at all." I said sarcastically, but also smiling.

I dropped the duffel bag in my room and collapsed happily on my bed. This bed was the only thing I missed during my weekend at the lake house.

"Yeah, it isn't weird if I told you about it already," Cearra cast that point aside, "Especially since that fantasy existed long before I knew you.  It's one of many that sometimes overlaps into my Jimin affair. Who is Austin seeing by the way?"

"Who are you seeing? We haven't talked about you," I flipped the question onto her.

"I freckle."

"What do you mean?"

"Flings," she said, "I date for a while and then they disappear, like freckles in winter."


It wasn't long after speaking with Cearra, that I went downstairs for food. I hadn't eaten anything since the sandwiches in Luke's car. Which was only thirty minutes ago, but still.

Flora intercepted me as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"I wouldn't get food if I were you," she looked me up and down, "Think of the scale."

"Doesn't it get old, trying to break me down?" I side-stepped her and opened the fridge, "You'll eventually realize that your verbal abuse doesn't affect me and your unhealthy relationship with food will affect you. Take it from me, or any nutritionist."

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