24 | Might be Missing

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The electricity between Luke and Millie is so visible in this poster by @Niki-Chase!  If only they had super powers too.

Chapter 24: Might be Missing

Luke's bedroom was cast in a pale light from the moon outside his window. It was like an Instagram filter, something between Nashville and Moon.

He'd left the window open, revealing a clear view of the blue lake below. His lake house was giving me so many memories of our summer together, sharing Apple Cabin. He used to come out of his bedroom shirtless every morning and now...

We were in the same bedroom.

I stepped timidly inside, wearing my old PJs, and conscious of how I must look. We'd already said goodnight and maybe he didn't want me here. Some people like their alone time.

He was lying on his bed, shirtless and in sweatpants. His hands were folded behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling. I've seen that look before.

"Luke?" I asked, hesitant to disturb him.

"Millie?" he reacted with equal surprise, sitting up.

Maybe I should've knocked louder.

I tried not to stare at how the muscles on his stomach contracted from the movement. He was propping himself up on his elbows. 

His black hair was disheveled from lying on the bed, but his eyes shone bright.

"Do you have toothpaste?" I asked.


I wouldn't say that toothpaste was my excuse to see him again that night. It was a legitimate request. 


I'd forgotten to pack my toothpaste and I obviously wasn't going to go to Jake's room at 3AM to get some.

I brushed my teeth without saying anything to Luke. I was nervous. I kept an eye on him in the reflection of the mirror as I dealt with my feelings. 

He's my friend and my boyfriend. Someone I trust with my secrets and my fears.

I don't use the word trust lightly. I haven't had a lot of trusting relationships to-date. From my family to my ex-boyfriend and ex-friends, there hasn't been a lot of trust there. 

I held my toothbrush as I stepped back into his room.

"You all brushed?" he asked, smiling at me as if he could see through my antics. 

I didn't come for the toothpaste.

"Minty fresh," I grinned like I was in a Colgate ad.

"Come and let me taste."

"Gross!" I exclaimed, as he pulled me towards him.

I stood in between his legs while he sat on the edge of the bed. His hands had me around the waist, and I looked down at him, resting my head over his soft but messy hair.

He looked up, his eyes a lighter shade of blue than the lake outside. I kissed him, feeling his lips tug at my bottom lip before our tongues intertwined. His hands wrapped tighter around me, slipping under my shirt.

I sat on his knee and it lasted a few moments before he lifted me and turned me onto the bed. I felt the light thud of the mattress underneath me and I watched him lean over me.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked him, "Do you mind?"

Tipsy me is bold.

He laughed at that, "I mind if you don't."

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