Chapter 8: E

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Charlotte spared no time and immediately went to see Sasha in her imperial chambers. When she arrived, she saw Sasha, not full of joy, but pouting stubbornly while turning her head away from Lucas.

Lucas was extremely happy. Though he was disappointed that she lied to him before, how could that matter now? His beloved wife is pregnant!

Lucas was trying to coax Sasha to forgive him for losing his temper but Sasha ignored him while crossing her arms.

"Sasha, don't be like this... You're pregnant! We should be celebrating!" Lucas held her in his arms intimately and spoke to her, his tone full of the desire to spoil her.

"This is your fault! I wanted to tell you... But then you decided to scold me!" Sasha still refused to look at him. As she spoke, tears formed in her eyes. She found out about her pregnancy three days ago, the morning before the fight. She wanted to tell him, but so much happened and instead of comforting her, he scolded her!

Thus in retaliation, she told the imperial physician not to tell him. The imperial physician after multiple hesitations did agree.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Don't be angry, Sasha. It wouldn't be good for the baby..." Lucas remained patient and continued to gently rub her hand.

Witnessing such a scene, Charlotte's expression, that was already not very pleasant, darkened even more.

She had just found out the two people who she hates the most are having a baby. But it's not only that. If this baby turns out to be a son... It could possibly be her biggest threat.

"Lottie! Come here!" Lucas finally noticed his daughter and gestured for her to come closer.

"Dad! Is mom really pregnant?" Charlotte eagerly ran to the side of Sasha's bed. Lucas picked her up and placed her down between him and Sasha.

"Yes, Lottie. You could have a little sister or a little brother to play with!" Lucas laughed, clearly delighted by the news of the baby.

"That's great." Charlotte uttered with 'joy'.


Charlotte walked towards the princess's palace with her handmaids. But halfway through the way, she stopped them and said she would like to go for a walk alone. The maids were hesitant but after Charlotte insisted several times, they finally left.

Charlotte wasn't going for a walk. She had a certain place in mind. Lenora garden. It was a small rose garden specially built for Eleonora on the orders of the previous empress. It was even named after her.

Fortunately it wasn't too far from the princess's palace. When she arrived, the originally beautiful garden, as expected, had withered.

Before, this withered rose garden was blooming with life and many blue roses. Blue roses were chosen specifically for the reason that Eleonora possessed deep blue eyes. It's truly a shame. After Eleonora was executed, by Lucas's orders, the garden became a forbidden place. Thus no one came to take care of it.

Charlotte sat down on a wooden bench and admired the wilted roses. She gritted her teeth and her palms were clenched into fists.

' It's just a garden Lucas... Must you destroy it? You must hate me to the core. But what have I ever done to you...? ' Charlotte couldn't understand why he hated her so much. Although she knew he disliked her ever since they were children.

When did everything go wrong for her? It all felt so sudden...


When they were introduced to each other, Lucas was completely appalled by her. He did not accept her as his fiancee at all. 

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