Chapter 13: Good And Evil

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That was the end of the deposed crown princess, Lady Eleonora Vandelle.


"Lucas... You need to catch this evildoer! What if they plan to harm me and Lottie!? This person must be the one who wrote that note! They're terrorizing me! Whoever this person is, you must not let them off!" Sasha wailed.

"I will, Sasha. You don't need to attend to your duties for now. Just rest and care for the baby." Lucas held her hand and kissed Sasha's forehead lovingly.

"Okay..." Sasha whimpered. She stroked her abdomen before adding, "Lucas, I've been having these dreams recently. It's just her eyes. Almost every night, I dream about being in a dark space and being surrounded by a pair of blue eyes. Her blue eyes. It's just Eleonora staring down at me. The gazes are just like how she stared at us before she died..."

"... I'm sure it's just because you're scared, Sasha. It's just dreams. Don't think of it too much." Lucas tried to calm her, but he too felt a little spooked. He could never forget the years of boiling resentment filled in her eyes.


"What? Why? What is your highness planning to do over there? Nothing but potential victims are there. But...I guess potential victims are everywhere." Medea chuckled inwardly. She didn't understand why the princess decided to go downtown and see those rats.

"Relax. Of course there are benefits to visiting that rubbish place often. Tell the servants working in the kitchen to prepare me two crates of bread and a pot of soup. I plan to visit an orphanage and donate food to those poor children. This is a good chance to win the commoners favor and appreciation." Charlotte said, her eyes never drifted away from her reflection in the mirror. She wondered if she has ever been so cruel before. If her old self saw her right now, she's confident she would disagree and object. But the past is gone.

She should've learned earlier that in a world ruled by the selfish, only the selfish wins.

"Oh... that's what it is. Well now it makes sense! For a while I thought your highness wanted to help those poor fools." Medea laughed as she carefully brushed the little princess's crow-black hair. She styled Charlotte's into a pair of long pigtails and put down the brush in satisfaction.

"Why should I help them if I get no benefits? Ignorant and mindless as they are, they still have some use." Charlotte jumped down from her seat and checked her reflection once again. There in the mirror was a seemingly innocent young girl. Face so delicate and cute, just like a little angel. No one could ever suspect a thing. Though at times having the body of a child was quite inconvenient, it's also very useful in certain situations. How could anyone suspect a cute little girl for harboring bad intentions? Children are said to be the embodiment of purity after all.

"Doesn't your highness think it's bad for your highness to go out there when her wenchiness is not in the best condition?" Medea stretched and yawned.

"Oh, you mean my mother? Well, although the news has spread over and entered some of those nobles' ears, they have yet to reach the common people. Even if someone there knew, how could you blame a four year old for doing some good for the sake of her people?" Charlotte chuckled, no such trace of empathy lurks in her doll-eyes.

"Wonderful!" Medea clapped her hands and giggled.

Charlotte took four guards with her along with a few of her handmaids. The commoners standing outside a poor orphanage were startled by the sight of two regal carriages coming their way. The sound of the stallions' steps sounded in their ears as they carefully admired the rich detailing of the carriage.

"Imperial carriages!" One recognized the flag and shouted. His loud words alerted the caretakers inside the orphanage and they ran out with small children trailing close behind.

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