Chapter 12: Her Final Words

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"Haha. I knew it. The masked night couple's daughter, is that right?" Charlotte laughed. Her guess was correct. She had an idea of who 'Shila' truly is, but couldn't completely confirm her thoughts. Well until now.

Medea, the only daughter of the two most notorious bandits of the empire, the 'masked night'.  Bandits would normally cause harm to their victims and steal all that was valuable, but they did it much more brutally. They didn't spare their targets, killing them and leaving with the valuables. After years of fear from the people, the imperial guards finally caught them and they were publicly executed.

But some say they missed one more person. The couple's daughter.

No one has really seen the child's appearance but Charlotte knew who it was the moment she laid eyes on Shila. She was there to witness the bandit couple's execution and was able to see their faces clearly before the knights could escort them to be hanged.

"Turns out the rumors of the masked night couple leaving a daughter was true..." A flash of excitement could be seen in Charlotte's doll eyes for a moment.

"... Oh my! I never knew I could be found out so soon!" Shila, no, Medea scratched the back of her head. She took a deep breath before laughing hysterically, "My parents never wanted to kill. They were just too paranoid and didn't feel secure until they'd made sure those people were really dead. But... Hahahah! I loved it!"

"They would take me out when killing those rats and they expected me to only think of it as 'necessary business' but I had so much fun! Oh little me... only six years old! There was just something satisfying about witnessing a person take their last breath, knowing that it was because of you! Hahahahaha! Even after they died, I never stopped! Well... I had to find a way to live somehow, and I do genuinely love the experience!" Medea's eyes beamed with ecstacy. Just thinking about it makes her excited and energetic all over again!

"Alright, calm down. If you keep laughing like that, someone will hear you." Charlotte sighed.

"Hmm... I'm quite surprised. Princess is so young yet you are faced with seeing a corpse..." Medea pondered for a second before clapping her hands. "Well I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. A normal little four year old girl wouldn't have the ability to curse out their parents so ruthlessly."


"Hehe... I may or may not have taken a peep." Medea scratched the back of her head and laughed awkwardly.

"Hm, I figured you might." Charlotte wasn't that surprised.

"Now princess, are you going to stay here to watch me bury her body or... What?" Medea picks up Lidia's body by the hair once again.

"Actually, I think I've got a better idea than you burying it here? That and I also don't like the idea of you burying her body in my garden." Charlotte picked a lock of her crow-black hair and twirled it around her fingers, playing with it.

"Okay! That sounds fun! But... My garden? What are you talking about, your highness? Isn't this the forbidden garden?" Medea jumped with excitement before tilting her head slightly and asking.

"Haha... Let's just say I feel a connection with this place." Charlotte turns away and stands in silence before turning back to meet Medea's curious eyes and saying, "Right, now let's get on with this incredible idea I've just come up with."

"Yay! Murderous fun!" Medea giggles.


"Ha... Good morning everyone." Sasha sat up reluctantly and stretched her arms.

"Good morning, your majesty." One of her ladies in waiting bowed while at her side. The servants followed after.

Sasha swept her gaze through the many people greeting her in the luxurious room and felt confused. One person was missing. "Where's Lidia?" Asked Sasha as she yawned.

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