Chapter 15: Stupid Prince

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After the harsh berating of Shia, the two maids were dismissed and rushed to leave. Instead of turning her attention to the hurt prince, Shia first asked Charlotte, "Princess, are you alright? Did those lowly girls frighten you?"

"No, it's alright, Shia." Charlotte glanced at the prince who was sitting on the ground with a bit of dirt on his face. "We should take care of him first. Shia and Anna, please bring out a wet towel and something to ease the pain. Me and Shila will accompany him here." Charlotte directed.

"Right away, your highness." Shia bowed before leaving with Anna to do as their princess said.

Charlotte carefully knelt down to face Zenneth. She then questioned him without hesitation, her eyes showing some concern, "This isn't the first time, isn't it? How long has this been going on for? If there is an issue, I shall take care of it for you prince Zenneth."

"I-I don't need your help...! I'm fine!" He tried to stand but ended up falling right back down. He then avoided her gaze with embarrassment.

"Don't you need my help? But you've just received it. Honestly, you're a prince. How come you aren't able to defend yourself with dignity? Has your parents taught you nothing?" Charlotte decided to take a different approach. Acting innocent and cute won't work in gaining this prince's trust.

"..." Zenneth was silent for a moment, before responding stubbornly. "Hey!Are you calling me stupid?"

"Perhaps. I just couldn't help but notice. I've heard rumors of your incompetence in both education and swordsmanship. Pardon me your highness, but many have said your very untalented in those aspects." Charlotte stated.

"Haha! Well you've been lied to because those rumors are false! In fact, I have never even picked up a sword or been given a teacher! Hah! How can I fail at something I never tried?" He stuck his nose up high, seemingly unaware of how his words only made him looked even more stupid.


Charlotte was slightly dumbfounded. This is the most useless prince she has ever met? Has never received education or learn swordsmanship? These two aspects are most required for the son of a ruler!

' This child's ignorance amazes me...'

"You've never trained in swordsmanship? Well, after my fifth birthday, my father will allow me to learn swordsmanship. Would you like to join me in training when that time comes?" She asked with a tender smile.

"Pfft! What makes you think I'll be willing to train with you?" He turned his head away arrogantly.

"Well it is your choice. I'll ask again when that time comes. You can think about your decision until then. Would you choose no and be vulnerable to people's mistreatment, or accept and learn to be a true mighty prince you claim you are?" Charlotte chuckled as she rose back to her feet and turned away.

"..." He fell into silence.

Soon after, Shia and Anna came back. They helped apply medicine to Zenneth's injuries before leaving to return to the first princesses Blooming Hour Palace.


Once they had arrived back inside the Blooming Hour Palace, Charlotte dismissed her other handmaids, including Shia, but Medea. After they had left, the door was locked and Charlotte made sure they were far enough before asking Medea for a small favor.

"Medea, acquire me some poisons. Not fatal ones or ones that cause incurable damage to the body, but ones that would inflict pain." Charlotte requested without hesitation.

"Poisons? Sure!" Medea agreed immediately. She was already aware of the first princess's 'hidden illness' and did not question further. Charlotte nodded at her quick response. The best type of servants are the ones who don't question your intentions and follow orders obediently. Not only was Medea quite skilled, she's very helpful for certain things normal servants wouldn't dare do...

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