Chapter 3: Wicked woman

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Charlotte gripped the book in her hands tightly. She flipped to the page after her execution scene, and there she saw an illustration of her.

Her head was laid on the chopping block. Her expression was covered with streaks of tears and filled with jealousy and hatred.

She looked miserable. But it looked strange. They wrote and drew herself in a way that made her seem like a wicked woman receiving her rightful punishment.

She stared at that page with cold eyes.

Looking at the ugly representation of her last moments, Charlotte frowned. She felt like an arrow just pierced through her heart.

Why must the last moment of her life be portrayed in such a hideous way? She didn't want to leave a hateful impression of herself in the people's eyes.

She stood up and walked over to the fireplace.

She clenched the book in her hand, and was about to throw it to be devoured by the flames, but instead she retreated her hand and placed the book down.

'I shouldn't act so rash. If anyone finds out I burned this book, it will cause suspicion and trouble for me.' Charlotte thought to herself. She closed her eyes and calmed herself.

She tried to sleep, but it proved to be difficult. She tossed and turned in bed, but eventually was able to fall asleep.


The sky was clear and birds were harmoniously chirping. Making the atmosphere around seem peaceful. But the couple enjoying morning tea felt anything but relaxed.

"More rumors are even reached the inner court..." The empress, Sasha muttered nervously.

"It'll be alright. Don't pay mind to them. It's just mindless rumors..." Lucas comforted her.

"......y-yeah..." Sasha smiled and laughed it off.

A maid meekly approached with her head down and informed the royal couple of the arrival of the imperial princess. 

The Emperor nodded.

"Greeting royal father and mother. This daughter apologizes for intruding on royal father and mother's conversation." a petite little girl with long black hair, wearing a cute gown curtsied in front of them.

"Lottie, did you sleep well? Oh and no need to act with such courtesy and distant manner?" Sasha asked. Her tone was as loving as ever.

"...I did sleep well mother- um mom." Charlotte nodded.

"Come, Lottie. Today's tea is quite delicious." Lucas smiled at his adorable daughter.

"Okay royal father- um- dad!" Charlotte 'cheerfully' walked towards them. She was soon picked up by Sasha.

With reluctance, Charlotte smiled happily at 'her mother's and took out a book from her gown's pocket.

"Mom! Dad! Look what I read!" She innocently held the book and showed them.

"Isn't that..." Sasha's face immediately brightened.

"Haha. I didn't know Lottie was so interested in such a thing." Lucas laughed proudly.

"I didn't know mom and dad had such a beautiful love story!" Charlotte looked amazed. Her yellow eyes shined with admiration and curiosity.

"Well..." Sasha's face flushed red after hearing her daughter's praise.

"But... Who is this lady Eleonora from the Vandelle family?" Charlotte feigned ignorance.

"....." Sasha immediately froze.

"Hm? What's wrong mother?" The little princess stared at her mother innocently.

"Lottie! Don't mention that name! She is a wicked woman, who tried to separate your mother from your father!" Lucas coughed.

' Tried to separate you two? When have I done that!? I gave up my title without resistance! You all are spouting nonsense!' Charlotte gritted her teeth, but hid her anger with a curious expression.

"Indeed Lottie. The Vandelle family... We mustn't utter that name...!" Sasha patted her daughter's head.

"Is this lady Eleonora really that evil? Is she the bad guy?" Charlotte asked once again.

"Yes, Lottie. She is the bad guy." Lucas nodded and sighed.

"Oh." Charlotte's smile weakened and she got off her mother's lap. "I need go  mom, dad! This daughter is tired!"

"Oh my...did we frighten her?" Sasha asked worriedly.


As the empire's first princess walked back to her room, her face was ashen and resentment clouded her previously calm heart.

Not only did they not give mercy to her family, but they even tarnished her name!

Her family has been loyal for generations! Her ancestors had helped countless emperor's sit on the throne and even have ended wars! And yet now... Their family is ruined...

Charlotte sneered.

"It seems you all have chosen my role, huh? Then... I shall be the wicked woman you claim I am..."

Returning back to her royal bedroom, Charlotte grabbed the book, flipping to her execution chapter.

Glaring at the illustration of her hateful appearence during her execution, Charlotte reached out and teared the page.

Then she flipped to the last chapter. There was a beautiful illustration portraying Lucas and Sasha holding each other's hand. Flowers illustrations decorated the page, making it look so enchanting and happy.

She glared hatefully at the chapter, picked up a letter opener, and crossed both Lucas and Sasha's faces.

"I gave up everything for you two. I made sure to look as harmless as I can. I wanted to stay out of trouble. To stay out of your way. But you two are just begging for me to hate you. And you succeeded.... I absolutely despise you..." Charlotte muttered.

That evening, both mother and daughter strolled the rose garden. The birds were singing and they could even see some butterflies fluttering their wings.

"Lottie, do you feel lonely?" Sasha asked as she was holding a parasol.

"No mom. This daughter has you and dad!" Charlotte smiled and her doll-like eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

"Have you ever thought about having a younger sibling?" Sasha smiled.

"Nope. But it would be nice." Charlotte lied. Of course not. Why would she want to be siblings with the child of the two people she hated the most?

Charlotte knew Sasha was definitely not pregnant. After all, the Imperial physician checked them every morning.

It could only mean that Sasha was only planning to have another child.

Charlotte knew Sasha was nervous about the rumors circulating. Some even speculated Sasha was a witch and that is why the saintess's blessing didn't work.

The saintess's blessing was supposed to make sure the Empress's firstborn child is a son. To avoid problems of succession.

But now that the firstborn is a daughter, there might be some trouble coming in the future...

Charlotte shifted her gaze over to a beautiful red rose. It was enchanting for some reason to her.

She reached out her hand and grasped the rose covered in thorns.

Blood slowly dripped down her fist.

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