Chapter 9: Victim?

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Shivers ran down her spine as she read the note. Sasha's knees trembled and her face turned pale. The two maids inside the room heard a loud "tud!" and saw the pregnant empress with a pale face and kneeling.

"Empress! Is your majesty alright? Is your majesty sick?"

"Your majesty, should this one call the imperial physician?"

The two maids kept asking her but Sasha turned deaf ears to their questions. She just kept staring at the note, horrified.


Loud and heavy footsteps sounded outside the study and shortly after the doors to the study were slammed open.

"Sasha? What's wrong?" Lucas, who was playing with Charlotte, asked in surprise.

"Lucas! Eleanor... She must have come back to haunt me! L-look!" Sasha ran to Lucas's arms and pointed at the note in her hand. Charlotte, who was pushed aside, sneered.

"Let me see..." Lucas took the note and read it himself. "This... This must be some prank Sasha. Don't worry about it."

But his comforting words failed to calm Sasha.

"No! She must have come back to torment me! What should I do? She wants to harm my child!" Sasha buried her face in Lucas's chest and cried.

"Sasha, nothing will happen to you, Lottie, or the baby. I'll protect you. That wicked woman isn't alive and she didn't come back to haunt you. Calm down. Behaving like this wouldn't be good for the baby." Lucas hugged her and coaxed her gently.

"Okay..." Sasha nodded timidly.

After that day, the guards around Sasha were doubled. Before she would eat anything, the food would be tested for poison before she would be allowed to eat anything. All incense in the empress's palace was stored away.

Charlotte merely watched all this occur indifferently.


"What?" Lucas exclaimed in surprise.

"The princess wants to learn swordsmanship and requests your majesty's approval." Lucas's aide repeated his words.

Lucas sighed and rubbed his temples tiredly. He felt puzzled. Why would his cute daughter want to learn that? She is quite smart for her age... But she is still too young to learn swordsmanship.

"I'll allow her to learn swordsmanship once she turns five years old." Lucas told his aide.


Charlotte wasn't very surprised when she was told Lucas's words. But she still felt slightly upset. This body is so weak... Why can't she just grow a little bit faster?

Her 5th birthday is only five months away, she could wait for it while she does the other steps in her plan. Charlotte cast a glance at the wall of her bedroom and an idea appeared in her mind.


The following day, a playmate session was held once again. But this time, Charlotte came willingly. The playmates were the same three boys she met and they conducted themselves as they did previously.

Seeing as the cute little boy was in a state of panic as he tried to come up with subjects to talk about, Charlotte casted him an adorable smile and said with gentleness, "Dylan you're so cute and lovable. I would really like you to be my friend!"

"M-me? O-oh yes! Thank you princess! You're very cute as well! Wait, I didn't mean..." Dylan's childish face was painted red with just a few words from Charlotte.

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