Chapter 23 - No Rest for the Wicked

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"What happened? What did he say?" Edward was eager to know what exactly his other self had shared with her. Kit was still trying to work that one out herself, having been bombarded with all sorts of troubling information before he just laid one on her. Trying not to sound too troubled was going to be difficult.

"Some enlightening and very concerning things. I think I'll keep my cards close to my chest for now." Kit told him, frowning a little as she did so and looking for anywhere else to focus on with her anxious eyes.

Her composure was obviously shaken, making him all the more suspicious of what had been said or done. Edward didn't like not knowing and that's what his counterpart did to him, put him in situations where he was confused. Waking up suddenly, not knowing how he'd gotten somewhere or who he'd interacted with. It was a risk letting him meet Katherine but he had to explain the way he was somehow and he was the best way to do it.

"Was it about me?"

"Of course it was."

"And do you understand any better now? The way my mind works? You understand why I make decisions and then go back on them? It's not that I'm weak willed, there are basically two people in my head-"

"Yes, it does feel like that. But he helped me to understand some other things too. How you... got that way." She was careful with her wording and put her hands in her pockets. She previously no idea why he wanted to prove himself to her but not it was making sense and she didn't like it.

Edward's face betrayed him instantly. He was uncomfortable with the information she now had as it gave her the high ground. And her of all people. She didn't blame him for not wanting to talk about it or not wanting people to know, that was common.

"How much of it?"

"Enough. And I'm sorry that happened to you."

"I don't want your pity. That's the very last thing I want from you. Words don't change the past so it shouldn't matter." He sounded angry. Of course he was, his whole life he'd felt like a victim, until now. No wonder he was so nihilistic and valued life so very little.

Kit didn't have any wisdom to offer to that. No doubt he had a lot of resentment towards being viewed as weak and it was true that nothing she said would fix it.

"No, it doesn't change it. But you chose to show me the side of you created from that pain."

"And what did you think?" That was a good question actually. What did she think? Honestly, she had barely had time to think about it. Only seconds ago, it was him. That was confusing enough, in the short time she'd become aware of this, Kit couldn't imagine how he felt. She wasn't sure how to answer. Kit had hardly had any time to form an opinion on the other version on Ed before he'd kissed her and dipped. Would she tell him the truth?

"He talks just as much as you. Slightly cocky, I guess. More laid back than you are..."

"You're just stating facts. I asked what you thought, didn't I?"

"Fine, truth is, I don't know what I think of him. It's a difficult question considering... some of the conversation he made and stuff."

"Stuff? That's hardly the most enlightening way of recalling events. It seems we're both seeing different sides to each other, Katherine. You're struggling to keep up, is it the exhaustion?" He taunted out of nowhere. Yet another blunt switch to being an arrogant arsehole. Kit didn't answer him, she was figuring out whether he was on the defence or just a jerk. "Or maybe it's just me? Is my return what has thrown you so off course?"

"Hm." Kit shrugged.

The detective wasn't fooled into thinking he'd regained his composure so quickly, if that's what he was hoping to do. Oh, if only he knew what had happened, what his other self had just been bold enough to do.

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