Chapter 11 - Aftermath

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Edward stared out of the window again, cursing the last hour. How could he be so stupid? Killing Katherine would've been an unfixable disaster. What was he, crazy? Of course, Edward wasn't insane. He just wasn't good. His lack of empathy and moral judgment probably made him seem mad, but he was more than aware of this. They may have thrown him into Arkham but even that didn't equal total insanity.

"I know you're thinking over the past hour, my friend, but discussing it may be more beneficial." Oswald was back in his presence. Whether Edward had actually heard him enter or not wasn't clear, as he didn't flinch when the voice cut through his peace.

"What else is there to discuss?" Ed snapped back at the man leaning on his cane.

Oswald rolled his eyes and waited to see if Edward would say anything else or scream at him to leave. So far he had only watched the other man stare out of a window after pouring himself a drink, something he rarely did. Edward was a very sober soul and hated anything that compromised his intelligence.

"Do you think she's a threat?" Oswald asked, as if he were about to make a point that Edward hadn't already made to himself.

"Now she is." He almost groaned at the admission. This technique of putting her in life and death situation was incredibly counter productive, in hindsight. This had backfired.

"Then why did you-"

"Because she's frustrating!" He snapped and cut off Oswald.

The sudden yell made his old friend jump a little. He'd whipped around to face him too, now staring the shorter man in the eye. Cobblepot sighed. Again.

She was. Kit was anything but average and yet, she'd seamlessly blended into society in a way he never could. People liked her. They had never liked Edward. He didn't make it easy. Still, the toll of that had taken had played a big role in his catalyst. Now, he had people that were grateful and loyal to him, for the life and work he offered across his territories. Like it or not, Edward Nygma had made a significant difference in Gotham. For better and for worse.

"Alright, explain to me what is happening. Because you're being unspeakably ridiculous."

"She's making me stupid." He knew it wasn't true but he was pouting.

"No, you're making you stupid. Many people enjoy beautiful and smart women, Ed. But few lose their goddamn mind when they meet one. You have got to stop doing this." Oswald had witnessed this before. Given, it didn't bother him in the same ways it used to. For his own reasons. Now it was just something Edward did. It became irritating and counterproductive.

"No! It's not just that. She's like me, Oswald; the way her mind works, her processing speed, and the same well-meaning naivety that I had in my twenties that's going to be crushed. People like us are few and far between. And she can't see that the path she's on is beneath her. That's what's so infuriating," Ed spoke quickly but Oswald managed to keep after years of practise listening to him. Cobblepot chose to stay quiet and let Edward continue his tirade. "You think you saved her life today, but you didn't. And even if you had, believing that it might in some way benefit you, will be in vain."

"I simply don't see why she should die."

"Really? She's GCPD and you've killed people for less," Edward scoffed, folding his arms and pacing. The shorter man opened his mouth to defend himself against Ed's fair point but it seemed that he wasn't done. "But you like her, don't you? Because, what did you say again? She's respectful."

Nygma's voice was almost hostile but held the same coldness it usually had when he was analysing something. That's what he was doing, analysing her. Trying to, at least.

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