Chapter 7 - Intruder

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There was someone in her apartment.
Uninvited and unwanted. It was a trespasser. An intruder. And Kit was about to point a gun at their head and tell them exactly whose place they just walked into.

"Hands where I can see them, right now. GCPD. You've picked the wrong place." Kit held the gun in both hands in front of her, pointing it at the unknown assailant. She was yet to get a good look at the person as she had just basically jumped out from her bedroom and aimed.

"Nope. This is definitely the right place."
The person who she really didn't want to see on her day off was standing in her living room.

"Zsasz, what the hell do you think you're doing?" She kept the gun pointed at him.

"Kit, great to see you. Just a bit of business..." He looked slightly surprised but not at all panicked, despite the gun that was aimed between his eyes. That was the complete opposite reaction to what she expected.

There was always an element of slapstick nonsense to Zsasz that she had been surprised to learn the first time she'd met him. Kit spent her desk duty reading up on a lot of the vicious criminals that Gotham had to offer and from what she'd learned about Zsasz, she'd have thought he would be some hardened murderer. Well, he was a murderer. He just ended up being far more playful and jovial than she had anticipated. Which made her cautious but also meant that she found herself matching his wit.

"Business? You're here to kill me?" She asked, giving that his job was to kill, as Gotham's best hitman. All the more reason to keep the gun aimed at him.

"No. Not here for that. This is technically a kidnapping." He shrugged.

"You're going to do a bad job, I'm afraid."

Zsasz shrugged again and took out his own gun before Kit had time to react in any way, shape or form. She jumped slightly at his speed, he was impressively fast. They were now pointing guns at each other.

"Ooh, Mexican stand off. This is fun. Y'know, I expected you to be asleep by now, it's late. Do you sleep? I don't know how much maintaining those dark circles around your eyes need to complete the whole tortured academic thing." He used his free arm to look at the nonexistent watch on his wrist. Maybe that was why he looked so surprised that she was alert and caught him in the first ten seconds of him being in her apartment. Either way, he'd got his own gun out now so it didn't matter.

"If you were ten minutes later I might've been, but you weren't so now you get the gun." She shrugged her shoulders without moving the gun in her hands.

"Come on, Kit. Are you really gonna use that thing? I've taken bullets to all my limbs and it's never stopped me getting a job done before. You'd have to put me down and you're no killer. I, on the other hand, am. Do you wanna test my aim?" Zsasz raised his non-existent eyebrows and waiting for the detective to make a move.

"Do you want to test mine? We're metres apart, I'd be surprised if I didn't hit you."

"Hey, I don't doubt you, I really don't. Your aim is okay. And you look super hot with a gun in your hand. It's just, I shoot people's brains out for a living. Let's not make this harder than it has to be." Zsasz tilted his head a little. Kit knew he'd kill her. If she were to shoot him, it would only be to injure and he'd just put a bullet in her skull straight after.

There was nearly no way in hell she'd manage to shoot first anyway.

"Okay, then how about we both put our guns away?" She tried. Having seen how quick he was able to pull an weapon on her, she wasn't sure whether it would even matter if Zsasz were to put his gun away.

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