Chapter 35 - Mortified

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Kit slept through the rest of the night but was met with aching limbs in the morning. Her bones creaked and she groaned as she shifted her weight, and winced at the sensation. She knew she had to get up, but the thought of moving was almost unbearable. As she tried to sit up, she felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly pushed herself upright. Kit's body was protesting every movement, but she kept going.

Pemberley sat by the door, still as stone. He, as if the routine would comfort her, repeated the very same thing he did most mornings at home.

Kit did feel comforted. She wasn't afraid to leave the room. Maybe she should feel more apprehensive but she didn't. If her host wanted her dead, she wouldn't have just woken up. Ed didn't want to hurt her. And it was starting to seem like he wasn't going to let anything else hurt her either. That was strange, of course. Because it was him. Sure, Ed was clever, quick, charming, and seemingly quite smitten with her. But he was also Ed.

"Good morning, you." She greeted the cat, opening the door for him to patter out, as she followed his steps.

Even after being here a little while, Kit couldn't help but be struck by the eerie stillness of the place. It was clear that this grand house had been empty for some time, until recent occupancy, and as she set about exploring a few rooms, she couldn't fight a sense of unease creeping over her. Maybe because she was snooping in someone else's house. Maybe because it belonged the him. 

Pemberley slinked silently beside her, his sharp eyes scanning the dark corners for any signs of movement. As they made their way to the top of the staircase the house, Kit felt sick. She was still weak, growing stronger, yes, but she wasn't quite right. She couldn't put her finger on it, but the air seemed thick and it was difficult to breathe, and the feeling only grew stronger as she delved deeper into the labyrinthine corridors that stretched out before her.

"Okay, I'm not sure I'm bold enough to explore anymore of his house. Are you?" Kit looked down at the little cat.

He looked up at his owner and then wandered back the way they came. That would be a no.

Ed was almost definitely in his study. The door was ajar and there was light in the room. Not natural light either, it was as if the curtains were drawn and he had a fire going. Or a lamp lit. Something that produced a warm, orange light.

Pemberley clearly liked the idea of curling up in front of a fire and walked straight in. Unlike his owner, who would surely linger.

Kit stood in front of the door, her hand hovering above the doorknob. She felt drained, like every step she takes is a marathon. Her body was heavy, and her mind, foggy. She debated whether she should walk through the door or not. On one hand, she knew that she needed to rest and take care of herself. A conversation with her unpredictable new ally wasn't exactly the pinnacle of self care. On the other hand, she didn't want to miss out on anything important she might learn by being around. The uncertainty and indecisiveness were draining her already low energy levels.

Kit took a deep breath and reminded herself that her whole reason for being here was to prioritize her health. She knew that if she pushes herself too hard again, she'd only end up feeling worse by the end of three days. Without a sound, she decided to turn away from the door and head back to her room. She begged that he wasn't paying attention enough to active his uncanny ability to catch her eavesdropping.

As she walked away, Kit couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment.

"Katherine. I didn't think you'd see the morning."

She turned around to look at him. He was tidier than before but the dark rings around his eyes remained. Kit couldn't be sure that this was Ed. The one she made the deal with.

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