Chapter 30 - Muse Unravelled

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When Ed came to, he was almost surprised to be the one still in control. Edward had been suspiciously quiet in his head, usually when he was in danger there was the weaker part of him hollering curses at himself. But it was still Ed. That could be cause for concern. Maybe Crane had clubbed the other him right out of existence. Though if Edward had somehow fizzled out in there, for any reason, Ed wouldn't be all that disappointed. He wouldn't have to share anything anymore. That was the first things he noticed, the second was Katherine.

She was in a chair, bound and staring straight at him. Under the dim lights, her skin was pale and bright against the black arms of the chair and only contrasted by silver metal clasps around her wrists. This chair had been designed for a purpose, given its qualities. 

"Ah! You're finally joining us." Crane's voice was unmistakable. Ed couldn't see him from this position, which was apparently resting against a radiator he'd been handcuffed to. Given that Ed was obviously quite restricted by the handcuff, he was limited to this slouched sitting position and maybe an uncomfortable kneel, which he obviously wouldn't favour.

The other thing Ed noticed was the pain. He had an fresh wound to the side of his head that stung like a bitch. Not to mention the throbbing headache that came of it. Then there was his wrist. Ed hadn't been conscious and his limp wrist had dug into the handcuff, breaking the skin. It burned slightly but it was easier to ignore than the head wound. Unfortunately, he'd have to ignore them both right now as this was extremely bad. He had to admit, he really ought to have thought it through a bit more, rather than trying to impress Katherine.

"Nygma, I'm really going to need you to pull yourself together. Come on, Ed, keep your eyes open." He could hear her calling over to him, pleading with him to have a way out of this. But he didn't. He felt he couldn't face her.

"Now, now, don't rush him. Our friend here can take all the time he needs, I hit him pretty hard."

Crane crouched down in front of Ed and the cuffed man's view of Kit was obstructed. The doctor had rolled up his shirt sleeves to the elbows and that couldn't be good.


"Ah well, that didn't take long," Crane shot back up onto his feet and walked away from Ed. "Perhaps you can settle a dispute I was just having with your friend. You see, she is trying to stick up for you. She says that you didn't lie about her, you just didn't tell me some arguably vital details."

Ed frowned and scowled as his head pounded to the point that he couldn't ignore it. His free hand flew to the side of his head, where he tried to apply pressure that would make the pain stop at all. And what was this arrogant son of bitch talking about? God, the sound of his voice made Ed want to beat him black and blue, due to either the headache or the hatred.

"And technically I'm right. He told you my name is Kate." She added. Ed was slightly taken aback by how bold she was under the circumstances.

"People don't call you Kate."

"That's not true."

He noticed that she had said the same thing to him when Ed had made that same comment earlier. He definitely had never heard anyone else call her Kate. The concept that every human being Ed had ever been in contact with lived an entire life before they met him, had never really interested him until now. The enjoyment he got from listening to the detective talk about herself was new. And the helplessness he felt watching her in danger was a complete first.

"I call her Kate." His voice is harsh and almost possessive. The growl in Crane's direction wasn't appreciated by the good doctor.

"Her name isn't important!" Crane raised his voice enough for it to bounce off the dingy walls. "You still lied to me. You walked a cop into my lab, those handcuffs you're wearing were in her jacket pocket. You sold me out. That means I get a free kick."

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