Chapter 9 - A Warm Gun

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When it came down to it, Kit didn't know what to say. So many things were running through her head but she couldn't decide which words to use. She didn't want to seem stupid around her kidnapper, so she would stay quiet. He'd been the one to bring her here after all, it was up to him to start the discourse.

"So...I- I was-" Edward had started to speak and instead ended up stuttering. He was experiencing the same problem apparently.

"I'd honestly expected better planning from you. Nerves?" Her arms remained folded in a stubborn pose. Kit didn't know how irritated she actually was until she registered her own taunt.

The man scoffed in embarrassment at her jab. He shifted in his spot, feeling almost nervous by Katherine's cold demeanour. He hadn't seen very many emotions from the woman but this was by far his least favourite. Her irritation. Irritation at him. He'd expected her to be afraid when she got there, this was all going to work so much better if she was just a little bit scared, that way he could elevate her fears and offer her 'a way out'. But she was just annoyed.

"You seem rather on edge yourself."

"Yes, you see, I've been in quite a bit of trouble at work after disarming a bomb that you planted. Then I was forcefully removed from my home on your orders. And no one is going be looking for me because you sent my boss on a wild goose chase with The Impossible Riddle. I mean, Ulysses, Nygma? Really?" She snapped with composure and a glare.

"Jim might be running around for a while, I can't imagine he's read much literature, can you?"

"Wasting police time is an offence."

"Oh, a crime? How will I ever sleep at night?" He rolled his eyes and turned to walk through one of the large wooden doors that the foyer had. Arrogant bastard. Kit obviously followed him, considering snapping back at his comment but quickly choosing not to. Her gait even expressed how annoyed she was. If smoke could've cartoonishly shot from the woman's ears, it would have. They both stood in a sort of living area, with many shelves of books. It had a fire on one of the walls and was a lot cosier than the foyer. This study sort of area must hold a copy of the book he'd pinched that riddle from, Kit kept her eyes peeled for it and scoffed to herself.
"So, you know it. The book-"

"Yeah. James Joyce. 'The fox burying his grandmother under a holly bush'. Not very original. A heavily symbolistic poem from a really pretentious novel. I was under the impression you wrote your own stuff. This feels like lazy work, Edward."

That stung more than he cared to admit. He spun around, making the dark haired woman almost walk straight into him. The proximity between them was startling to Kit but she tried to wipe it from her face.

"It means more than you might think, you just haven't figured it out. Everything has a reason, especially words on a page. Joyce believed the same, he didn't spend years writing one novel to fill it with aimless drivel. You're good, Katherine. But I'm better. Try to remember that I am the smartest man in Gotham." Edward was comfortable in feeling like he had the upper hand here. Though she wasn't giving in, Kit's composure was impressive considering the situation he's brought her into.

"I'm not a man."

The comment was short and sweet. And very effective. It was true. His title may be correct but Katherine, of course, was a woman. An infuriatingly clever, beautiful and moral woman. Kit Valentine was likely the smartest woman Gotham had seen in a while.

Edward nodded slightly as his thoughts raced. She was right, of course.


"Look, you brought me halfway across the city, against my will, and I would like to know why." She changed the topic.

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