26: Distractions

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How can you distract a friend who is not socially inclined? That is the question, dear Hamlet.

Nick was not much of a talker and I could see that every second of silence pulled him back to Rebeca and painful memories. So, I tried to talk about the fights, ask questions, but he quickly brushed out the answers. Then I remembered, the day he told us about his grandmother. His eyes shined as he thought of her and he couldn't help but smile, so I asked questions about her, which at least gave me a reaction.

Nick turned to me and answered each of the questions with enthusiasm (at least for Nick's standards) and longing.

"Do you miss her?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't get to visit her that often."


"It's a long drive there, and with school, the fights it makes it hard. I'm planning to go there next week though. The fight has been changed to Thursday, if I win, I'll get a great paycheck."

"Have you saved much already?"

"With Thursday's fight, I'll have enough to pay off what's left. If I manage to win, I'll still go for the final though. Maybe pay her for a good vacation. Did you know she never had a vacation in her life, like a real vacation?"

"I didn't." I smiled. He was a good guy, far from the egotistic image I had from him before, and he cared so much for his grandmother... "I think that's a great idea. Do you have any ideas?"

"She'd always wanted to go to the beach, maybe I'll take her, she can at least dip her toes in the seawater."

"That sounds good." And for a moment he sounded happy instead of gloomy.

Tuesday made things easier for us since we had another tutoring session. My stupid debilitated brain could definitely distract him. I found myself envy Noah who had been making far better progress than me but scratched that feeling quickly. I was happy to see my friend succeed. We both had another test next week and I couldn't help but feel that, once again, I wasn't ready. I was doing much better; Nick was a miracle worker, but I don't think that was enough.

Rebeca didn't show her face again but sat at lunch with Trisha and Laura and kept staring at our table. I had no idea what she wanted to say to Nick, maybe she wanted to apologize, maybe she wanted to get back with him, it didn't matter she knew better than to pressure Nick. By Thursday night Nick was back to his normal self.

I couldn't go to the fight, no matter how much my mom loved to see me socialize with people there was an unbreakable rule: no nights out during weekdays. That wouldn't change the fact that I would be up texting Noah and Micah for a report on Nick's performance. He won and I smiled, thinking about the weight lifting from his grandmother's shoulders. His shoulders.

On Saturday came the last tutoring session before my test. Nick had been nice enough to split the session in two, first, he would go to Noah's and then to my house. When my mother knocked on the door.

"Come in," I called, finishing yet another exercise of the thousand Nick gave me.

"Would you like to stay for dinner Nick?" she asked. For the first time since our session started, I looked up at my phone. Sure enough, it was almost dinner time. Almost four hours passed since he got here. That was far more than the time he had with Noah.

Now Nick could respectfully reject the invitation and go home, but he didn't. "That would be great, thank you," he said, then turned to me. "That way we can practice a little more after dinner."

"Are you sure that's okay?" I asked. "I mean don't you have to get home or have something better to do?"

He was categorical: he was staying. After a not-so-awkward dinner, we went back to my room.

Nick left my house at midnight, and I felt horribly for it. He was tired when he left so I commanded him to text me once he got safely home. I made a promise to myself to nail that test, it was the least I could do to honor Nick's dedication.

My phone buzzed. "Got home. See you Monday." He had texted me.

"K. Thank you again, master! Good night."

"Good night."

"Sleep tight," I felt the urge to add.

"You too." And I knew I would, with my pills in hand and my newfound knowledge about mathematics.


I felt nauseous, I hadn't eaten breakfast because I was too stressed by the terrifying test I was having on the fourth period. I hated math. I decided to review my notes and some exercises for the test instead of paying attention to my history class. I could feel Nick's eyes on me, probably making sure I didn't make any mistake.

The bell rang signaling the end of class and I struggled to get up, my hands shaking, probably more for the lack of sugar in my system than nerves. I saw Nick's hand sliding something in front of me.

"Eat up, you look like you're going to pass out." I took the chocolate bar and unfolded it, moaning at the taste of the first bite.

"Thank you, God!"

"You're welcome," he joked. "Come one, walk and eat Julie, you have a test to nail." I did, and he walked me to class, going over a few details that I still struggled with.

"Good luck," he wished with a smile before vanishing, leaving me alone to deal with my fate.

I kept fidgeting while waiting for the teacher to pass down the test. I flipped it as soon as he said "Start". I began by reading every question, by the fifth question I was smiling like a dork. I could already see in my mind how to solve each problem and answer each question. Nick was definitely a miracle worker.

I finished the test ten minutes before the bell rang. I got out of the room, a full grin on my face to find Nick, laying against the wall, waiting for me.

"I gather it went well?" he asked. I nodded and couldn't help but pull him in a bear hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! I will never say mean things about you ever again!" I felt his body froze underneath my arms and realized I overstepped his boundaries, yet again. I let him go, feeling my cheeks burn. He cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's get to lunch," I said.

"Come on, let's get to lunch," I said

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