6: The Sound of Silence

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Unsurprisingly, the ride was silent as neither of us talked except for the impromptu directions I gave.

Nick didn't even bother to turn on the radio to fill the awkward void and since it's not my car and we're not friends, the passenger's official etiquette states that I should not touch the control panel.

If I was in Noah's car, I would even keep switching stations until I heard a sound I like, but right now the only sound I heard was the sound of silence.

"Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains. Within the sound of silence" I couldn't help to sing it quietly.

A movement to my left gathered my attention and I looked to see Nick turning the radio on.

I thought he hadn't heard me before, but maybe I was wrong, and maybe he didn't enjoy the little private concert I had offered.

I couldn't care less; the important thing was that the silence was gone. Even if I didn't really enjoy the song playing.

It didn't take long for Nick to switch stations. Some pop song was playing. He switched stations again. And again. And... again.

I looked at him and the slight clenching of his jaw was the only sign of his annoyance for not being able to find a song he liked. I could relate to that.

I realized then that there's a flash drive connected to the car, probably full of songs he personally selected. Why else have it? And why not play it if he clearly didn't enjoy any of the stations?

He was probably ashamed of his musical preferences. What if he listened to classical music or opera? Not that I have anything against those genres, just that it didn't really go well with his overall image.

It would be funny though.

I chuckled at the image of him ballet dancing to the 'Swan Lake', wearing a pink leotard and tutu.

My laugh was silent until a got out of breath and made a horrific sound while I breathed in. Embarrassment took over and it's enough to stop my Joker moment.

I glanced at Nick and felt relief. If he thought I was crazy he didn't show it, which I could only appreciate.

I felt my eyes trail over his features. Up until then, I had never taken the time to get a good look at him.

Nick was the type of guy you could describe as handsome without thinking much about it but as my eyes got captivated by him, I slowly realized what exactly made him handsome.

His sharp eyes reflected wit and were a mesmerizing amber color with flecks of green and gold dancing throughout them.

However, sometimes, when the sun blessed us with its light, those eyes turned into emeralds traced with that same gold and amber, framed with long and luscious dark lashes. I knew a lot of girls who paid to have fake lashes that looked like his.

His chiseled and strong jawline was draped with stubble that matched the black strands of his lustrous hair flopping over his face.

The living definition of perfection, yet extremely frustrating as I couldn't bear such arrogant attitude. I guess mother nature had to balance things: Perfect body and face for an awful personality.

We finally got to my house after what seemed to have been the longest ride ever. Nick stopped the car and I turned to give him a quick 'Thanks' receiving a small nod in return before I got out and sped to my house.

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