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Hi there everyone! It feels so good to be back!

I've been working on this story for a while now. I'm not going to lie, it has been hard to reconcile writing with school and work, but I did it!

I hope you'll enjoy this story as much as I did!

Publishing Schedule: I will upload a new chapter every Wednesday and Friday!


Julie seems to have everything to be happy, but appearances can be deceiving. What no one knows is that she has a secret that has been eating her alive.

She tried to run from the guilt for years but the past comes haunting her new life. The only way to heal is to confront it and rely on her friends (even the most unexpected ones).

She promised herself not to repeat her past mistakes and protect her friends at all costs. But when her best friend Micah stopped talking to her and hanging out with the bad crew of the school she's lost. Awful and dangerous rumors surround Micah's "new friends", but what can she do when he doesn't even look at her anymore?

Simple, she'll do the only Julie-thing to do: force him to face her and threaten the guys that look like they could snap her neck.

Between distrust, prejudice, and annoyingly good moments she has to learn to accept that sometimes things are out of her control. Like falling for the most arrogant unsociable guy she has ever met.

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Copyright © 2010 by AGMeira

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All rights reserved. © 2010 by AGMeira

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