15: Normality

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Normality is something very subjective. What is normal to me might be strange to others, and sometimes, as we grow or as life throws banana peels at you, what you envision as normality changes. For instance, it is normal for me to have my dreams haunted by that day four years ago, but I take prescribed medication for it because I cannot allow it to be 'normal'. However, since the whole Micah and Manson ordeal, the medication wasn't as effective as before and the dreams became a recurring normal thing even with the drugs in my system. My normality changed.

Having Nick and Tyler joining us for lunch also became normal. Before it was normal for me to have lunch with Micah and Noah. When Micah decided to 'protect' us it became normal for me to have lunch only with Noah. And now this. Do I like this change? No, I wanted to go back to the 'normality' I was used to before. Unfortunately, I have no control over it and must accept that normality changes.

In the past couple of weeks, we've been all sharing our table during lunchtime. I would mostly speak to Noah, who always sat at my left, ignoring Tyler's explicit conversations. Who would have thought he was a player? Note the sarcasm.

"So how did you three became friends?" Tyler asked one day, I guess trying to include me and Noah in the conversation.

"Basically, Julie wore us down with her stubbornness," Noah replied, and although he was trying to tease me, I heard those words with pride.

"Of course, she did." Tyler shook his head as he chuckled.

Noah then explained how four years ago my family and I moved into the house next door to his. One day I saw him, and Micah playing outside and wanted to play with them, but they didn't play with girls.

"We were too cool for girls back then," Micah added.

"She wasn't having it though and decided to pick up figs from the tree standing between our houses and throw them at us," Noah continued. "It soon became a daily thing. Every day there would be a fig fruit fight and I guess she eventually grew on us."

I stopped at that. It was a little bit like what was happening with Nick and Tyler. We started out bad but sharing lunch and breaks with them had become a daily thing. I realized then it was a matter of time before they eventually grew on me.

"And you're glad I did. I was the best thing that happened to you guys," I stated in a matter-of-fact way.

"So, which one of you has or had a crush on her?" We all stared at Tyler in shock, as if he just said the most outrageous thing in the world. And here I thought I would eventually like having him around.

"We never thought about each other like that," Noah finally said after a moment of silence we used to process what we had just heard.

"Yeah, that would be just," I started. "Weird," Micah, Noah, and I finished in unison.

"Liars, I'm sure at least one of you had a thing for another," Tyler riposted. "Ooh, maybe a love triangle," this time he spoke with a deep seductive voice.

"You realize boys and girls can be just friends, right?" I asked.

"Nope. I don't believe in that bullshit."

"So, you mean you and I can't be friends?"

"I would bang you." I looked at him disgusted.

"Right, but you'd 'bang' every girl you could, so it doesn't count. How about if both the girl and the boy are gay?" I countered.

"Please, that's a whole different story, it's as if you had two girls or two boys being friends, it doesn't count. But to be clear, I'm talking about straight people."

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