Chapter 21: UNDERBASE Part 2

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And here is the second part of this chapter. Be prepared, because things will go wild.


"One day, there was a man who turned the underworld society upside-down in this country. He was still quite young, probably hadn't reached twenty yet, yet he became a professional hitman that was unrivaled by anyone else. His name started to become known after he turned one of the top five underworld organizations into dust in one night just by himself. Since then, rumors about him began to spread around like a fire. He was strong. He was deadly. He was merciless. He was coldblooded. That was how people who had seen him described him. People started to call him King of Death as some witness who managed to survive after seeing him said that they could see a black aura around him. They speculated that he was the embodiment of death itself."

Trevon told the story with a solemn face. The poor lighting in the room made a crippling and mysterious atmosphere as he continued his story. I found myself unconsciously listening to his story with great interest.

"He was active in the underworld for ten years until he suddenly disappeared without a trace. Nobody knows about his whereabouts until now. He vanished just like how he appeared. The only thing that he left behind was his legend and legacy which-"

"And that legacy is this online group." Lily suddenly cut in with her usual playful tone. "Cool, isn't it?"

"Wait, what?" I was baffled by the sudden change of mood.

The rabbit slapped his own forehead and sighed. "Lily, you ruined the flow of the story."

"Whoops, sorry. Te-he~☆" She apologized with tongue out. It didn't take much thought to see that she did it on purpose.

"Wait, let me sort this out first." I tried to rationalize my mind. "So, there is this legendary hitman from more than two decades ago that was so infamous for his bloodthirstiness, and he made this trivial online group?"

"Hahaha. Sounds like a joke, doesn't it?" Alex laughed and took another gulp. "I also thought like that when I first joined here. I heard a lot about him back when I was still a mercenary. How can this playground be something that that person made?" He scratched his head. "But now I couldn't help but believe it after seeing his successor in person here."


"Yes, it's me. Mentor's beloved disciple." Lily waved her hand. "As you can see, I'm not called Princess for nothing. You could say I was raised by him, so that makes me the daughter of the King, ohohoho." She made her own laugh gesture.

Lily was his successor? The infamous assassin was a discipline of a legend from 25 years ago? What kind of fiction did I stumble into? This sounds like something that came out from a movie.

"I can confirm that my mentor was the one who made this online group chat. I was there when it was founded. In fact, I was the one who suggested making it in the first place."

"You did?"

"Yeah. We made this chat group for hackers. Back in the day, this group chat was more active. Since he was already well known, we got a lot more members. We shared information, competed with each other's hacking skills, or just screwed around. It was so lively back then."

Lily took another sip. "People were curious about the legend, so of course there were a lot of people who were eager to be a member. Because of that, we had to sort out who could join. Since I am a genius, I came up with an idea to hide the invite link behind many codes and firewalls I created myself. Only people that are capable enough can access his nude- I mean our server. Well, I think I already did a good job as the only disciple..."

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