Chapter 15: Doing Something Bad Once in a While

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A sign made of colorful lamps was glowing in the snowy night in the dim and remote alley. The two words were installed with pink lamps while the 'O' was blue with a mars symbol shape.

"Are you sure you're not confusing a male brothel with a restaurant?" Rannier asked me with a blank expression. He seemed to dislike this place's name a lot.

"Of course not. I'm pretty sure this is a place where we can have a meal. Not that kind of 'meal' of course, if you know what I mean." I explained while raising my eyebrows repeatedly. "It's just that the waiters are a bit 'special', while some of the guests are also 'special' too."

"I-I don't think we should go in there. T-this place doesn't look family-friendly enough for minors like us."

Troylen stuttered as he hid behind Rannier, cornered. It must be quite frightening for a good and honest student to be in a place like this.

"Hey, relax. We're here just to eat. It's not like we'll be doing anything weird here. Besides..." I glanced at Bronte. "I'm sure our friend here has some experience with these kinds of places. Right, Browny?"

The rest of us looked at the tallest person here. He looked at the store sign with a frown.

"Well, I can't deny that. But the places I usually go to are filled with girls, not the opposite."

"Oh, come on. This will be a whole new experience. Besides, we don't need to be worried about being a minor. Browny himself is already like a permit token for us to enter."

"So minors are really not allowed, huh?" Rannier sighed as he held his forehead and shook his head. "Do you think it's a wise choice to enter this place? What if we get caught?"

"But that's the best part!"

"You mean you want us to get caught?"

"No, silly. I mean the thrill." I explained as I opened my arms. "On the last day of school like this, it's better to do a bad thing once in a while. It's good to relieve some stress after the exam."

(AN: Good kids shouldn't try this at home.)

"Umm... We still need to go to school after winter break's over, you know." Troylen joined the chat while still hiding. "Besides, even after we graduate, I still don't think this is a good idea."

"That's ok. In times of need," I glanced at the arctos. "We can use Browny as the scapegoat. He can hardly get in any more trouble than he already has."


So, what do you think?"

The three of them exchanged looks.

Bronte was the first one to sound his opinion. "Like I said, why do I have to-" I glared at him. "I-I mean, well, I have never gone to this type of place before, but I think trying something new once in a while is not that bad. Yeah, I don't see any problem."

Good. We get two out of four. One person again and-

"...Maybe once in a while is fine too."

An unexpected response came from the fox boy. Wasn't he the one who was strongly against us going?

I glanced at him. Although he still hid behind someone's back, he was looking at the store in anticipation.

I see. Even if he was scared, he could help but be curious about this place huh? Well, it was a good thing that he agreed, but somehow I couldn't help but think I was corrupting something pure. What a complicated feeling.

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