the beginning of our adventure

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Y/n pov

Me and Henry have just caught another villain and we're on our way home.
Oeh, there's a bus on the other side so I can get on the roof. I walk across the road to jump on the bus, I jump and ... I don't make it, whoops.

I'm holding the roof when I see Henry running over at the same time a car is approaching I shout: "Hen watch out!" Henry runs just in front of the car and jumps but hits the bus and flies/falls back down, the shock makes me fall down too.
We burst out laughing together.

While we are lying on the ground laughing, we see a van drive by with Henry's mother in it. She calls Henry's father and cas. Something is wrong.

Henry jumps up and starts knocking on doors to ask if anyone has seen them. Ok I do too then.

I went to a door and rang the bell. A slightly older woman opens the door and I ask:" Have you seen a blond boy, he is 6 years old?"

The woman takes a good look at me and Henry who has come to stand next to me. She starts to tell me: "Normally I always feel when there is someone in my garden but come in and I will help you.

Uhm she is weird but ok. "Is it a good idea to follow her?", Henry asked. "It's our only chance.
We follow her in and see all the crystals and crazy things. She is a medium. (someone who can speak with spirits, you don't have to believe in them)

We enter her garden and see another woman. Henry and I greet her friendly and she greets us.

We walk a little further towards the other woman. She starts making all kinds of crazy noises and says: "If we want protection you have to drink from this".

Something in me says that I can trust her, that I know her. She gives the bowl to Henry but he drops the water and I hear his voice very high saying sorry.

I turn around and see a baby, but I could tell it was Henry. The woman tried to help him while I took a sip of water.
She asks:" Can you give me the package please?"

The other woman hands it to me and I see my name on it. "How do you know my name?"

She tells me to open it, so I do.
There is a letter in it at the bottom I see it is from my mother. I start to read it and I also start to cry silently:

To my daughter
Never feel that you are alone
No matter if we are far apart
I am always right there in your heart
Never forget that no matter what
I will always love you
Love, mom

In the package are a couple of jumpers and a book on mythology. When I look up I see that Henry is not a baby anymore. "Who missed me?", Henry asks.  I walk over to him and give him a hug.

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