the new beginning

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The next morning we eat our breakfast and go outside to look for my powers. "Ok, I made a list of possible powers last night", says Henry. "Ok what do we have?" " I noted: invisibility, see future, mind control, fly, control of the elements,
telekinesis, time control, shape shifting,
super senses and super fast reflex".
"Mhm, that's quite a lot", I reply.

"Alright, first up invisibility

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"Alright, first up invisibility. Ok y/n focus." I focus as hard as I can and after a while I hear Henry almost screaming like a girl. I startle and ask what the problem is. He answers that I have to look at my feet, but when I look I don't see my feet anymore. " OMG, YES, I can become invisible!", I shout. "Yup, OMG so cool!"

"Next, looking into the future", says Henry. "Ok." Concentration, concentration. "No it doesn't work", I say. "Ok, so not that one", says Henry as he crosses it out on the list.

"Then we have mind control, so try something with me"

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"Then we have mind control, so try something with me". Ok I know he is scared of big spiders so if I try to make him think there are some on him it would help and be very funny. I concentrate. And when I look up I see Henry waving his arms hard and he is screaming like a girl. "Hen, what is it?", I ask. "Spider, spider, HELP!", Henry shouts. I concentrate and make the 'illusion' disappear. "There were no spiders at all huh?", asks Henry. "Nope." And we burst out laughing.

"To see if I can fly maybe I should jump off the roof". "No way!", replies Henry. "Why not?" "Because I don't want you to get hurt". "I was only joking," I say. "There were some pallets around here we can use." "Yes, that's much less high", Henry replies.

We get the pallets and stack them so I can jump off. I climb up and start to concentrate. I jump and..... fall. Oh, come on. Henry starts laughing really hard because I landed with my face in the mud, after a while I start laughing too. "So that's not a power of yours". "No that's obvious".

"Ok the next thing we are going to try is controlling the elements, this should normally be a power of yours because your mother can do it too"

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"Ok the next thing we are going to try is controlling the elements, this should normally be a power of yours because your mother can do it too". "That's also a way of putting me under pressure". I concentrate but nothing happens. Come on you can't disappoint your mother. I get irritated so I start shouting. "It's not working!" "Calm down and open your eyes," Henry says. I open my eyes and look at my hands. "Fire, I can control fire!" "Yes, ok, now we know you can probably do it but doesn't it hurt?" "No, it just feels warm," I reply.

"Now we're going to test telekinesis, I'm going to get a can and I'm going to put it on the palettes and then you have to try to lift it, without your hands of course", Henry says

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"Now we're going to test telekinesis, I'm going to get a can and I'm going to put it on the palettes and then you have to try to lift it, without your hands of course", Henry says. "Yes haha." Henry goes and gets the can and sets it up. I imagine myself lifting the can and I open my eyes and see the can floating. "OMG, so cool", I say. "That's so cool, now try shapeshifting," says Henry.

I imagine myself turning into Henry and feel my body changing

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I imagine myself turning into Henry and feel my body changing. "Ok, now you look as handsome as me". I imagine Henry changing into me and see him change. "And you now as me" "We laugh and laugh for at least 5 minutes.

"We just skipped time control but it seems so rare", I say. I concentrate but nothing happens so I was right.

"Right, if that doesn't work then we'll move on to super senses, I'm going to stand 5 metres from you and I'm going to whisper something and then we can see if you can hear me". Hen stands 5 metres from me and does a signal so I know he is going to whisper. He comes back and I say I didn't hear anything, so we cross it off the list.

Lastly, super fast reflexes

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Lastly, super fast reflexes. "I'm going to throw some tennis balls at you and you just have to hit them all with a bat, ok?" "Yeah, all right."  Henry starts throwing the balls and I can hit them all. "Yes, I have those too", says Henry.

"Ok so the powers I have are: invisibility, mind control, control of the elements, telekinesis, shapeshifting and super fast reflexes".

The rest of the day we ate and watched a movie because all the testing exhausted me. In the evening, we had dinner and went to bed on time so that I would be well rested for practice tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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