Kokichi x Reader 🍋

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Requested by: Nobody 

"Hey y/n, pay attention." Kokichi says, interrupting my daydreaming. We were sitting in a drive-through, and it was my turn to order.

"Uh, I'll have a medium size lemonade please." Kokichi smiles at me, then says his order." I'd like a limeade please." 

I look over at Kokichi in disgust. "How could you order a limeade? Lemonade is obviously superior." 

Kokichi slaps me across the face. "You take that back!" 

"How dare you!" I yell. Kokichi fumes as we drive forward to a window to receive our drinks. He hands me the lemonade. "When we get home, I'm hiring a lawyer, and taking you to court." I say. I squirt him in the eyes with a lemon. 

Kokichi rolls down the window, and throws me through it. He tosses the lemonade at me, and yells "You can't take me to court if you're a corpse!" He backs up, and runs me over 69 times then drives away. Your body remained undiscovered for two years, and Kokichi was never convicted of murder 

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