Chapter 10- Theatre

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

I am so sorry for the long pause! I was in the hospital but I am fine now!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

For me, being alone was always a gift, something that I enjoyed with all my heart, but maybe it was also because I surrounded myself with the wrong people. Human beings who were so terrible that I chose solitude over them.

A lot has changed since I met Vivian and I have a person I want to spend all my time, with whom I have found someone I can laugh, cry, and get drunk with, but my love for loneliness has not diminished.

This escaping from the rest of the world can be so beautiful if you know how to get alive out of it.

I have perfected this over the years and can hardly do anything better than surviving on my own.

I figured out that there is no better place to be alone than in an abandoned building, after all, I have my peace and nobody can interrupt the amazing feeling of freedom I get when I spend my time there. But that is not the only reason why the old ruins mean so much to me.

Just like every human being, these places also have a history, a past and if you look at them closely you can see what they have already experienced.

Look, these details seem so insignificant, but they could mean the world.

The smell of the old already peeling wall paint rises up my nose as I push down the rusty doorknob, opening the heavy door and entering the deserted theatre.  I aim the flashlight of my phone to see where I should step, which is actually completely unnecessary because I know this place better than any other one in the world.

Nothing could ever come as close to a home as this theatre and that has something to do with the things I have experienced here.

The floor is covered with broken glass that is scratching my heels as I strut down the wooden stairs, passing the seats that are covered in dust and cobwebs.

When I get downstairs, I walk towards the stage that has been decorated with two identical golden statues of a man having his arms wrapped around a woman, while looking deep into her eyes.

True love is when two people look at each other the way these two do.

Do you believe in true love, Amara?
No, I only believe in unrequited love.
Nobody ever loved me back...
Who said that unrequited love is not true love?

These memories are flashing up in my mind as I go up, the wooden floor giving way every step I make but I know out of experience that it will not give in so easily.

I sit down on the edge of the stage, dangling my feet, not touching the ground.

After a while just sitting there and enjoying the silence, I take my phone and switch the light off, now being here in the dark.

I always loved the night because there is absolutely no reason to be afraid of it.

We are not scared of being alone in the darkness we are frightened that we are not and that is utterly ridiculous because if you are terrified of the absence of light, you should also feel the same way about the light.

The same monsters are hiding there but we do not even realise that they are bad for us because we are blind due to the beautiful words, they say.

Not the darkness is our enemy, the lies are.

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