Chapter 49- Her

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Amara Calvetti

"I can't wait to be inside you again. I am rock hard. I miss your pussy so much." Adriano says, with a desperate voice.

I let out a chuckle. God, I love him so goddamn much.

"Adriano, it's just a couple of days, ok? I am only nine days away, I will be back soon." I say, a huge smile on my face.

"Do you know how fucking long nine days are? I am so fucking horny, I can't work like that. I am going crazy without you." He replies, letting out a frustrated groan.

"Wow, that sounds like I am only an object to you... are you just using me for my gorgeous body?" I huff out with humor in my voice.

"Shit. Now the secret is out but at least I don't have to hide it anymore. I don't even love you... I just want to fuck you." He plays along and I let out a laugh.

"I have to go now. Vivian wants me to order some food and you know how obnoxious she can be when she is hungry." I lie.

"Ok... I love you, anima mia and tell her that I can't wait to be Christiano's wingman when we go clubbing for the frst time but don't worry... he gets to fuck the hot chicks... I will be so generous."

"Oh, fuck off. I won't tell her that... I don't want her to regret naming him after you... if she doesn't already. And you won't fuck anyone but your wife you horny fucking dog." I reply.

I roll my eyes before ending the call and putting my phone back in my pocket.

I can't wait to see him and that he has no idea that I will surprise him makes it so much better.

The day Vivian could leave the hospital, Adriano flew back to Sicily but I decided to stay to look after my best friends because it is incredible hard for them that Christiano has to stay in the hospital while his mother had to go home. I planned to stay way longer but V wanted me to go back to Adriano because she didn't find it necessary for me to watch after her. At first of course I fought against it but in the end I gave up. After all, Darius is always at her side because of course Adriano refuses to let him work at the moment. Also her body is recovering very fast and she gets less scared everyday she hears that her little boy gets better and stronger.

I can't wait till I can finally hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him.

And I can't fucking wait till I have a baby by myself. I mean I always hated babies. Fuck, I hate the entire humanity but just when I think about having a child with Adriano my heart almost bursts. And the fought of him being protective over our own little devil...

I fucking hate babies but there are two of them who I will love more than anything. Christiano and my future child. God, I can't fucking wait till I can tell Vivian one day that I am pregnant. She will probably let Darius knock her up again so we go through this together.

She will be so happy.

"Mrs. Calvetti? We are here." I hear a deep voice say and I look away from the window and direct my gaze at the driver.

I nod and he walks around the car and opens the door for me.

I step out and straighten myself.

Fuck, I am nervous now.

He is very stressed at the moment and I can't fucking wait to make him forget and I need him to make this ache between my legs go away.

Don't get me wrong. I fucking love my vibrator but even she couldn't fuck me like Adriano can.

I had to tell the guards that they aren't allowed to tell Adriano something about my visit so it really is a surprise but I made sure that he is at home.

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