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    Isaac was playing the Killers in the car, and Willa turned to him with a small grin.

    "I love this song!"

     He smiled back and turned it up a little bit. She said,

    "Apparently when I get really drunk I go up to DJs and demand they play it, cos it's 'my song'."

     He laughed.

    "Yeah, when I went out with my sister I apparently demanded Taylor Swift. I feel like she might've made that up though."

    "I don't think they even have Taylor Swift records at clubs," said Willa amusedly.

    "Yeah, yeah," he said, shaking his head with a small smile. "You wanna go to Queensland, right?"

     Queensland was the biggest shopping centre near them, about a thirty-minute drive away.

    "If that's okay," she said. He rolled his eyes playfully.

    "Oh, now you ask me. Where was the choice when you were demanding my help on the phone?"

    "Isaac!" grumbled Willa, then- "It was an emergency. I'm really stuck. Anyway, it'll be fun."

     She shot him a winning smile. He raised one eyebrow sceptically.

     "Can we replay the song?" she asked after a moment, and he pressed the 'back' button. They were out on the dual carriageway now. He turned the music up and changed gears, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat and doing this little head bob thing from side to side. Willa chuckled and he smiled, sheepish, but started to sing along anyway.

     She started singing too-


     It'd been her choice 'angry song' after she found about Seb and her best friend Maddy (ex-best friend, now, she guessed- turned enemy like in some stupid teen drama). She didn't really have that many friends now. Not proper ones, anyway. She was still part of the friendship group, but then so was Maddy and nobody'd ever really stuck up for Willa against her. And then there was the fact that the person she'd used to tell everything and text funny things to and call when she had gossip had turned out to be sleeping with her first boyfriend. It wasn't exactly conducive to trusting friendships.


     When she and Isaac got close to Queensland they ended up lost on the 4857943875983 or so roundabouts that surrounded it, and got into this stupid giggly mood where every wrong turn they took seemed hilarious.

    "I swear we're gonna die here, Willa," Isaac was moaning dramatically, as they came to yet another familiar-looking roundabout. "And don't think I've forgotten who's responsible for dragging me into this death-maze."

    "I'm not the one who's driving here!" she cried, rubbing under her eyes to get rid of the smudged mascara from giggle-induced tears.

    "Oh hey J," sing-songed Isaac, smirking, "as a birthday present I tricked your best friend into a labyrinth and killed him! Hope you like it!"

    "Oh my god Isaac shut up," she laughed. "And get in the right lane."

    "We gonna try the third exit this time?" 

  "Yeah, might as well. One of them's gotta be the right one."

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