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hey guys! sorry for leaving y'all hanging, i went away for christmas and thought i would have wifi but it turns out i didnt. HOWEVER i did do some writing! so here are some new chapters - hope you enjoy :)

     Isaac didn't say yes right away, but Jared could tell he was going to. Most of his hesitation was due to the money, anyway- even when Jared wrinkled his nose up and said in a 'duh' voice,

    "I'll pay for your ticket, dude. Dad's always topping up my account so it's really not a big deal. He won't miss it."

     They were in the car park now, sitting in Isaac's stationary Ford to eat their lunch. Isaac said no, he couldn't let Jared pay for him. Jared gave a put-upon sigh,

     "You can't stop me," he said, and smirked while Isaac frowned and argued until he convinced Jared to at least let him pay half.

     After that they sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, munching away, and then Isaac turned around and beamed at him like everything had just clicked.

    "You- thanks, J."

     Jared shrugged self-consciously, glad that his mouth was full of sandwich so he wasn't obliged to respond. He wasn't very practiced at accepting gratitude.

    "Seriously," Isaac was saying, shaking his head with a small smile still on his lips. "You're the best. You don't even know what you just saved me from."

     It was only then that Jared realised what Isaac was doing- rummaging in the glove box until he found the CD he was looking for, and ejecting the one that was in the player at the moment. Out came the light blue CD, and in went one with a flash of yellow.

     Jared looked up, taken aback by how proud of himself he felt, because that was Isaac's happy CD, and he was pretty sure it was because of him. He ventured almost hesitantly,

    "Yellow CD?", and Isaac shot him a devastating grin.

    "I figured this was a yellow CD occasion," he said, as 'Fill My Little World' started to play.

    "Probably," answered Jared, going for offhand, and coming out as undeniably pleased. Isaac just kept smiling.

InvincibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora