(Always) You & Me: A Completely Unnecessary Oneshot

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hey dudes!!!! here's a surprise 4 u. i came on wattpad yesterday to upload some chaps of my other bk that i had in my files and i saw some rlly cute comments about invincible and i got inspired to reread some of it again and then i wrote this lil fight/makeup angst+fluff oneshot as a thank u to all the lovely ppl who've read it and commented & been amazing since i basically left wp -  I LOVE U ALL - also as a lil gift to all my original readers. THIS ONESHOT IS NOT ESSENTIAL 2 THE PLOT so dont feel like u have to read it ! 

IMPORTANT CONTENT WARNINGS: homophobia, mentions of suicide (events in the original story), fears of a car accident, panic attacks. some maybe pg13 moments at the end. 

also, swearing. but i mean. it's jared so



The first big argument they had was in the summer of second year, when they were drinking tea and laughing in Jared's back garden and suddenly there came a familiar voice over the garden gate.

"Hullo! Jared! Let me in, will you?"

Jared froze. "What the fuck," he muttered, at the same time as Isaac asked incredulously,

"Is that your dad?"

Jared lifted Isaac's feet off his lap, pushing back his chair to get up and open the gate. The unpleasant surprise was confirmed as Dad stood there, in a business suit with his tie undone. He waggled his briefcase in a semi-wave and said, "Hey, Jer. I was in London on business so I thought I'd come and pay you lot a visit! I did ring the doorbell, you know."

Jared hadn't seen his dad in almost a year and he was almost struck dumb with the confusion of it. He hadn't the first fucking clue what to say, so he forced out,

"Uh, hey Dad. I mean- this is a surprise." He ran a hand through his messy hair. Dad came in and saw Isaac and said,

"Ah, hello there! Who's this?"

"Erm- you remember my mate Isaac?" fumbled Jared without thinking, wincing over the word 'mate'. "He came to France that one time."

He looked to Isaac for help but Isaac too seemed slightly off-balance all of a sudden, cheeks flushed red and eyes refusing to make contact with Jared.

"Yeah," he said, in a voice that sounded forced to be cheerful. "You had me over for Christmas; it was lovely."

"Ah yes," said Dad, smiling in recognition. "I do remember you. The Jewish one."

"That's me," Isaac said defeatedly.

"Let's go in and make some coffee!" cried Jared, clapping his hands together in a way extremely foreign to his entire personality.

The whole impromptu visit was fucking terrible. Highlights included Dad sneering over the quality of their instant coffee, making no less than four Jew jokes in Isaac's direction, and asking after Jared's non-existent girlfriend a total of five times. Jared didn't quite know why he couldn't just blurt out, Isaac's my boyfriend. He'd not had any trouble with doing so to his other relatives, and he thought he probably would have if Isaac wasn't right fucking there- but he could just imagine Dad's horrified look in Isaac's direction, his nasty comments and the way Isaac's face would fall. He would look at Isaac like he was suddenly disgusting and Jared couldn't, wouldn't have that; wouldn't let someone hurt Isaac like that since he had the choice. His dad didn't matter, anyway; Jared hardly spoke to him, he didn't want his approval and he just didn't feel any need to be truthful to him.

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