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    That night during the cinema adverts, Willa and Jared’s conversation was cautious, tentative. They were both still a little sore from the argument, and not as sure of each other as they had been. Jared asked,

    “How was he?”, because Willa’d just told him she’d been to Isaac’s house before coming here. His voice sounded strange to Willa, more vulnerable than usual with this oddly nervous edge to it. She answered carefully,

    “He seemed okayish.” He’d seemed a little better than at lunchtime, at least. Jared hummed in answer, perhaps expecting her to say more on the subject. But their argument had centred around Isaac, and now he seemed almost a taboo topic. Willa still didn’t understand Jared’s reaction to their coffee shop conversation, and she had a niggling feeling that whenever they spoke of Isaac she was only scraping the surface of Jared’s feelings. She felt like he was hiding a lot of hurt and vulnerability from her with his I-don’t-care words, scared things he kept hidden in the dark crevices of his heart. And she didn’t want to think about that, how he couldn’t be open with her even now. Instead she said,

    “Gladstone’s having that party for his birthday on Friday.”

    “Oh right, yeah. I forgot. It should be good. Gladstone’s house is pretty cool.”

    “Yeah, should be good,” agreed Willa, taking a sip of her coke. “You wanna go?” 

    “Yeah, sure. Might as well.”

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