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     When he and Isaac went out to Sainsbury's at lunch (opting, for some reason, to skip out on the cafeteria's offering of anchovy soup with poached eggs in it), the Christmas decorations were out in force and Jared stopped to buy Cosmo a One Direction Advent calendar as a joke (and also because he was pretty sure Cosmo actually liked their songs, to be honest).

     He'd kinda expected Isaac to be someone who got super excited about Christmas. He was all prepared for over-enthusiasm and dragging Isaac away from the tacky Santa decorations.

     What he hadn't anticipated was how on edge Isaac looked. The guy got progressively quieter as they went round the store, and eventually Jared was forced to ask,

    "What's up dude? You look kinda look like you're having an internal freak out."

    Isaac started, eyes flicking up to Jared's face. He gave a half-hearted smile.

    "Two very religious parents plus one perfect Sunday-schooled pre-schooler plus one sacrilegious disappointment of a son isn't exactly the perfect festive combo. And this year's gonna be worse than usual because of- how things are. It's gonna be church church church, true meaning of Christmas blah blah and oh Isaac, God forgives you."

    "For what?" Jared wanted to ask, but felt perhaps the local sandwich aisle wasn't the best place for this conversation.

    "Not enjoyable, then?" he said instead. Isaac laughed.

    "I'd rather poke my eyes out with a reindeer antler."

    Jared laughed too, then, and the conversation was forgotten until they were in the queue and a very un-Jared-like idea occurred to him.

    "Hey Isaac?"

  "That's ma name," hummed Isaac, toying with a packet of chocolate raisins by the till.

    "Wanna come to France with me?"

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