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     He was dancing with Willa when Ari came up behind him in the club, vodka and coke in hand.

    "Hey birthday boy, no cute little friend tonight?"

     His voice was slick, teasing. When Jared turned round he had a smirk on his face that widened as he took a sip of his drink. Jared said frostily,

    "No. And his name's Isaac."

     Ari only chuckled.

    "Oh, I know his name," he said provocatively, then gave a melodramatic sigh. "Well that's a disappointment. I was hoping tonight might be the night."

     He winked, grinning because he already knew how Jared would respond.

    "The night for what, Ari?"spat Jared, getting all up in the boy's face because he was a good way to being drunk and Ari had always known how to exploit his drunken volatility. Willa crossed her arms, tense as Ari breathed out a laugh.

    "I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that question, Jared."

     There was a charged pause, then Jared said,

    "Stay the fuck away from Isaac Hanly, Latsis. You're not worth a tenth of him."

     Ari only chuckled again and Willa stepped forward, put a hand on Jared's arm with a pleading,

    "Leave it, Jer. Isaac can look after himself."

     He was about to obey her and stand back when Ari tipped his head to one side and sing-songed,

    "I think someone's a little jealous! But hey, I don't blame you, Jer, a guy can't look at that mouth without imagining it wrapped around his-"

     He hadn't even finished speaking before Jared's fist connected with his face.

     "Shut the fuck up," Jared yelled at him as he stumbled back, blood streaming from his nose. He was re-aiming when Willa caught his arm, screamed,

    "Stop, Jer!"

     Behind them a burly security man appeared and said,

    "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir,", his tone broking no argument. Jared swallowed, breathing heavily as he turned to go with Willa close behind.


     They called Cosmo to come pick them up, who raised his eyebrows at them as they got in the car and said questioningly,

    "It's a bit early, isn't?"

     Jared shook his head, expression stony.

    "Don't want to talk about it."

    "He punched Ari Latsis in the face," said Willa, and Cosmo huffed out a laugh.

    "Oh right," he said. "Well, good on you baby bro. That guy's had it coming for a long time."

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