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Claire POV

There's this guy, Quil he's always there. He's been like my brother since I was 3. He is at every one of my parties and christmases. Now that I'm older he's more of my best friend. I'm 14 and he's 16 I think, at least he looks 16 now that I think of it he looks 16 in every single picture I have of him. That's odd, oh well maybe he's a body builder or something. I'm in my Aunt Emily house and Quil is about to come and help me with my math Aunt Em is making blueberry muffins. I love her blueberry muffins. Quil knocks on the door. I open it and greet him "Hey Quil!" He smiles "Hey Claire you ready to do some math?" I frown "Ugh no I hate math." He smiles again and reply's "You have to learn math, you want to pass don't you?" I smile "No...... yes" I roll my eyes. We walk to the brown round table and start on math. "Okay so if x+44= 100, x equals?" I never really noticed how soothing his voice is. "Uh you do 100-44 to get 56 so x equals 56 right?" He smiles big "Yes! Good, okay another" we do more problems until it's time for Quil to leave. When he leave I feel sad that he's gone but happy that he was here. It's a Friday so tomorrow I might go down to see the guys. It's about 5 so I decide make a sandwich and go up to my room and read my book for school, A Soldiers Heart it's a good book about the war and stuff. I love reading because then I feel like I'm in another world. I finished the book the ending was okay I guess. Not what I thought anyway, my eyes are tired so I'm going to sleep.

When I wake I feel really good so I get dressed and head downstairs. Aunt Em has already made my breakfast and Uncle Sam is eating his. "Good morning guys!" I say cheerfully "Good morning your in a good mood today" Aunt Em says "I know, I was wondering if maybe later I could go down and see Leah and the guys?" I ask hopefully "Um I have no problem with it, Sam aren't you guys playing soccer on the beach later?" She asks Uncle Sam. "Oh yea we are it'd be great if you'd come, want to?" He asks me "Yes! Should I change into more comfortable clothes?" He thinks for a moment and reply's "Not unless you plan on playing" "Who all plays?" I ask "Uh Jared, Embry, Quil, Paul, Leah, Jacob, and Seth sometimes." he says "Okay, I'll be on Leah's and Quils team" I go upstairs and change into sports clothes and put on some tennis shoes it's fairly cold so I grab a jacket and head back downstairs. "I'm ready" I say happily "Okay let's go" Sam says "Be safe guys love you" Aunt Emily calls to us "Love you too " Sam and I say at the same time. Its about noon now. We get in Sam's truck and drive to La Push beach. when we arrive there Quil greets me with a huge smile "Hey Claire what you doing here?" I smile "What am I not allowed to play soccer? I'm probably just as good as you!" He grins and says "I highly doubt that" I roll my eyes "Okay then let's go one on one after we play with everyone else!" he laughs and says "Your on!!" I'm on Leah, Quil, and Jacobs team. We beat Embry, Sam, Paul and Seth by a score of 4-2. After the game I go over to Quil and say "Now that you've seen my mad skills want to give up now?" He smiles "Okay, okay you know what I'll tell you what I'll let you slide... this time but next time oh your going down!" I laugh "Okay thanks" after this we play on the beach then Sam says it's time to go..... today was a great day!

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