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Claire POV
Now that I'm with Quil, I have a duty to find Gracie a boy friend. Who could that be? Bob, the short chunky dude? No, ew! How about Billy the skinny kinda cute guy? No. I got it! Seth's single, I'll set them up! It'll be great! Oh there she is. "Hey Grace!" I smile huge, she knows something's up. "Hey, what's going on?" She asks suspicious. Me of course can't keep a secret so I spill the beans "okay don't freak out but I was thinking of setting you and Seth up, what do you think?" She looks happy and a little weirded out when she responds "yesss, he's totes hot!" I start to laugh and she joins in. Once school is over I go home and of course everyone's there. Jared, Paul, Jacob, Quil, Embry, Leah and Seth are all at my house how continent. I see Seth and call him outside but first I kiss Quil on the cheek and tell him I'll be right back. And of course Jacob and Embry playfully gag. I smile at them and kiss him again, but them I see Sam and he has that look on his face like the it's time to stop look. So Seth and I head outside. Outside I set Gracie up by saying "hey your single right?" He laughs and says "yes but your dating Quil right?" I give him a confused look and spit out "yes, I am I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for one of my friends." He smiles and says "is it Gracie because she's really pretty!" He sounds exited and I immediately know that I'm doing the right thing for the both of them. "yes it's her." I reply along with a smile. he instantly blushes and says "so she likes me?" I smile and say yes as soon as I say this he smiles and I tell him to ask her out. he says "okay" I also tell him the Gracie is my best friend and that if he hurts her I'll break his face he laughes and says "I dout you could" I look at him and then he knows that I'm not kidding. We go back inside and then Quil asks me to go out side and he tells me that tomorrow that he has to show me something. I smile and ask what it is. but instead of telling me he grabs me and kisses me and then he tells me he loves me!! I want to say it too, but is it too early. I mean it's only 3 words I love and you. but those 3 words mean everything. I smile and whisper in his ear "I do too" I didn't actually say it and in past relationships and I never really meant it, it was always something that people just said but now it's different it's like if I said it I would actually mean it. That's amazing! Anyway after a few minutes and standing and staring in each other eyes Quil says its time for him to go.. it's already 6 he's been here 2 hours but I feel like it's been forever. I want to sleep so that tomorrow will come a lot faster but instead I decide to eat a sandwich. Seth and everyone else left except Paul he's watching Friday night football with Sam. After I eat I go up to my room and sleep. When I wake I immediately get dressed, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I text Quil and he says that he will be there around 12 and to be ready to go into the woods. The woods? Why are we going to the woods? Oh well. When he arrives he takes me to a meadow and tells me this "okay I'm going to show you something and please don't freak out." I look confused, I am confused so I just say "okay" he starts to strip and I stop him and say "what are you doing" he continues and backs up, this is very awkward. His whole body starts to morph it looks painful. I step back as this huge wolf is now in front of me! I want to scream and run away but another part sees his eyes. that is Quil. What is he?? A wolf! He's so beautiful. He kneels his head down and allows me to pat his head he rubs his head on my head, he's so furry. Then he turns around picks up his shorts with his teeth and goes behind the trees then comes out human Quil. He explains to me how he imprinted on me and that he ages very slowly. when I asked what imprinting was he said that it means that he will never hurt me and will always love me and that he will protect me no matter what. he also tells me that there is a whole pack of wolves and that Sam is one. So is Seth, Jacob, Embry, Leah, Paul, Jared and that no of them can control who they imprint on. Then I realize... I set my best friend up with a wolf.

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