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Claire POV

As Monday rolls around I'm still trying to cope with the fact that my boyfriend is a wolf. Then Gracie runs up to me and says very excitedly "Seth asked me out!!! And I said yes!! We have a date on Friday. You and Quil should come!" I smile and say "okay okay calm down, that's great we'll be there." she smiles and laughs and says how Seths so perfect and how he so dreamy he is. I'm glad that she's happy and everything but I wonder if they'll still be together when he finally imprints. The bell just rang and Gracie and I don't have first period together and I won't see her until lunch but that's after 4th period. By 3rd period I'm already ready to talk to Gracie again and I can't wait to get home and talk to Quil. At lunch we have Salads and there okay, I guess. But after lunch I only have 5&6th periods before I go home! At lunch Gracie and I talk about our dates on Friday. First we're going to eat at a fancy restaurant then we're going to see a movie. And since we're all riding in the same car Gracie will be the first one that we take home then Seth, then Quil will take me home. Lunch is over and it seems like the rest of the day goes on forever. Then over the intercom the secretary tells me that I'm a car rider today. I wonder why? Oh well at least no smelly bus. The end finally comes, 6th period is my favorite because that's drama class that class seems to zoom bye. When Quils car drives up and he tells me that he is picking me up I instantly feel amazing. I get inside and we drive off. We go to the beach and we talk about more wolf stuff about how they can read each others minds and how Sam is the pack leader. Then I remembered that I told Gracie we would go on that double date. So I tell him about that, he is okay with it he says that can't wait. Then he grabs me and kisses me. I kiss him back. I say to
him "I love you" he says "I love you too" I really truly meant it. I love the idea that someone will love me forever and that he will protect me no matter what. Friday whirls around and as soon as I know it I see my self getting ready for our double date. I get dressed and get ready. I tell Sam and Aunt Em goodbye and that I love them and I'll see them later. Then I hear the door bell, it's Quil, we get in his car and drive to Seths. By this time Seth already knows that I know about the wolfs. Sometimes he teases me and says hey Wolfie girl. When we get Gracie she is so exited she just can't wait. We eat and Quil and I share a Chicken Parmesan. Gracie and Seth share some Ravioli. We watch some romantic comedy, it was really funny. We laughed the whole time. But at the end it was weird... Quil kept staring at Seth and looking like something was wrong. I don't know, they will tell
Me later. After the movie we decide to get some fro yo. I got strawberry cheesecake. Then we took Gracie home and as soon as she was gone I asked "Hey guys, what's wrong?" Quil responds "Seth, do you want to tell her?" I'm confused as I blurt out "tell me what?" Seth looks at me sheepishly and says "i imprinted on Gracie." I am shocked... My guy best friend imprinted on my best friend. I don't know if this is good or bad. How are we going to tell her that there wolves? And how is she going to react. what if she tells every one? I mean she seems pretty in love with him but I just don't know what to do. we have to tell her.

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