15 and growing

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Seth POV

Gracie left, she just left. After I told her she freaked out and left, even Claire hasn't heard from her I'm really worried. I hope that I see her again this Is breaking me down inside I feel like I'm dying. I call Quil and ask his what he's doing he says that he is getting Claire something for her birthday. I didn't know her birthday was coming up I ask him if she's having a party and he says yes. I wonder if Gracie will be there? I'm going to talk to Claire. I run to her house and when I get there Sam answers the door and I ask if I can see Claire and he says yes. When I go up to her room she is sitting on her bed and playing her phone she looks up and sees me and says "Hey Seth, what do you want?" And I ask her "Are you having a birthday party?" And she says "oh yes I forgot to tell you, your invited." I give her a happy look as I say "Will Gracie be there?" And she look worried when she says "She is supposed to, but I don't know if she wants to come anymore you know with all that happened.... but I hope she does!" I tell her okay and she asks how
I knew her birthday was coming up and I tell her that Quil told me, I also tell her that I have to go and I'll see her later. she tells me "bye!" I go back home and I try to call Gracie for the 100th time but she doesn't answer.

Claire POV

I call Gracie but she doesn't answer ugh I really need to talk to her but I'm sure that she doesn't want to talk to me so I ask Aunt Emily if I can go to her house and she says "sure but be careful." I walk down to her house and knock on the door and her mom answers and I ask if I can speak to Gracie and she tells
me that she is in her room but she is really upset and won't tell anyone why. I go up to her room and knock on the door and say "Gracie, you in there, can I come in?" She says sure. I go inside and say "why haven't you been answering me?" She looks at me and says "you know why, I actually believed that they were wolves but then I realized that you all wanted to be some stupid wolfs so badly that you used
special effects and you were so sure that they were wolves, your crazy." Well at least she believed It partly but we're not crazy, maybe we should just act like it was a joke so I say "okay you got us will you come to my birthday party?" She says "I guess, besides I already go you a gift plus my mom will probably make me come anyway... will Seth be there, not that I want to see him just to scold him." I smile and tell her "yes I invited him and I hope you have fun at my birthday." I tell her that I have to go and she tells me bye. As I'm walking home I realize that I two days I'll be 15 and I'll be able to get my permit I'm so exited.

The next two days went by so fast, I felt like they weren't there at all. My party is in 3 hours and I'm overwhelmed with joy! I can't wait to see everyone! I have to get everything ready for my party then I have to go home and get dressed. We finally get everything set up and I love it. Although it took forever! I go home and put on the prettiest dress and people start coming in and they all have presents. Seth and the guys are already here, they help me set up. When Claire walks in I see Seths face light up when she see him her face almost lights up but not quite, I'm worried about them but I feel like tonight will be a goodnight. I greet everyone's and I see Seth go up to Gracie... oh no. I don't think she is ready to talk to him yet.

Seth POV

I walk up to Gracie and say hello. She just glares at me and then finally she says "you know what I really liked you and you used some stupid trick to make me dislike you and you know what Claire told me that you were sorry and you know what else if you were telling the truth lets go outside like now! And then you can phase or whatever you called it and if there are any strings attached then I will NEVER talk to you." I stare at her and say "okay let's go outside... I guess you'll see the truth and that it wasn't a joke." Walk outside and we go into the woods.

Gracie POV

He is taking me into the woods, wow u didn't actually think that he would do I just thought that he would just leave because he was lying. We get there and I say "You stay here the whole time no going behind the tree like you did last time I need to see that you really are changing" he smiles and says "okay" then he starts laughing, why is he laughing?! This isn't funny! "Why are you smiling and laughing?!" I blurt out he says "when I phase back I be naked, and I'm sure you don't want to see that." I roll my eyes and say. " Fine you'll have 30 seconds." he agrees to that and he says "okay here's goes nothing" And it happens again his whole body morphs into this huge wolf and he puts his head for me to pet him I first make sure there are no strings attached and there aren't I say Seth? And he whines and I pet his head his fur is so soft. I start crying as I say "I'm so sorry, you really are a wolf! I'm sorry i really did think you were lying, okay change back now." I turn around and start counting 1,2,3,4,5,6.... Until he says "Claire" and I turn around and huge him tightly I never want to let go of him. And he tells me that there no reason to cry and that he probably wouldn't have believed himself either unless he saw it himself. I ask him if my make up is smudged and he says "no, you look beautiful" I smile and ask if we can go back inside and he says of course. when we get back inside I see Claire and hold his hand and lift it up and I smile and mouth thank you. The rest of the night is amazing we dance have fun the entire night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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