Chapter 2- Fine I Guess I Will Come to Terms With My... feelings

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and I'm a psychic who's ready to admit he's gay and technically trans. Don't read too into it I'm not saying I have a stupid schoolgirl crush on Satou-san. I've known I liked boys ever since I was young. Girls just aren't appealing to me. And I know some of you who see me in the show and manga, "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K" might think it odd that I would say I'm a trans man, however you probably also know that canonically I was born a woman and I choose to express myself as a man. Since I can shapeshift I guess I never really thought that someone would know I'm trans or that I would ever have to admit it. But I guess after finding out Satou was gay that being a member of the LGBT community was just normal.

This morning I'm stuck walking with Nendou, Kaido, Kuboyasu, and Hairo. Aka, the idiots I can never get to leave me alone. But my mom insisted I walk with them, and my dad, evermore the suck up, agreed with her. Now I'm stuck listening to Kaido try and explain something from his fantasy. Good grief.

"Hey Saiki," Kaido said grabbing my attention, "were you paying attention to my backstory? Or were you staring off into space? Wait, has Dark Reunion gotten into your head making it impossible for you to pay attention to my origin!"

"No," I signed. I have never talked to these people verbally and I don't plan on starting. Even if I wanted to speak verbally it would be really difficult because often the words get trapped in my throat, "Something's on my mind."

"Oh okay," Hairo said a bit confused, "Well you could always tell us what's wrong you know?"

"Yeah buddy!" Nendou said a little too energetic, although I was confused, Nendou always relied on others to translate for him, "I was learning sign language so I could keep talking with my best buddy!" That was rather on que.

"Good grief," I sighed, "Fine. But don't think any differently about me for this."

"Not a problem," Kuboyasu said, "We see so many odd things in a day you're probably the most normal part of it." Wow he almost sounds sane.

"I'm gay," I signed, "And a trans man." I looked at the group. Most of them seemed a bit shocked silent, but Nendou quickly broke the silence, by latching on to me and cheering.

"My buddy likes guys too!" He exclaimed disgustingly enthusiastic.

I simply raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh you didn't know?" Kaido asked, "We're gay too, I thought we told you." I guess I just didn't care enough to pay attention.

"Yeah!" Hairo said, "Most if us are in relationships too! Me and Nendou are together! I've always admired his strength and ability! So I decided to ask him out and now I have a gym buddy for life!" I didn't understand the need to be so loud every time he spoke.

"Yeah!" Nendou shouted wrapping an arm around Hairo. This actually shocked me. Nendou? In a relationship? Like, with someone real? Unbelievable.

"And me and Shun are together," Kuboyasu said wrapping an arm around Kaido. This wasn't much of a suprise, I knew they liked each other, just didn't know they were dating.

Kaido nodded, "With our souls and spirits combined the two of us create a force powerful enough to stop dark reunion itself!" Apparently being in a relationship only feeds everyone's stupid personalities and complexes.

"Saiki!" I hear the sound of an annoying blue haired girl running towards us. I mentally groan, "I saw you from across the street and thought I'd say hello! My my, what are you all talking about!" 'I really could care less I just want to keep up my image and get closer to Saiki.' Ah so that's what she wanted, maybe this is will make her go away.

"I'm gay," I signed, "And trans. I was just telling them." Anyone who knows sign language knows that it does not flow that smoothly, but it's up to interpretation.

An Ordinary Relationship (Satosai Saiki K x Satou Hiroshi)Where stories live. Discover now