Chapter 6- I Guess Satou's Greetings are More Ordinary than I Realized

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I can't get into the thought process of my crush despite literally being able to hear his thoughts.

If you're somehow unaware, I have a massive crush on Satou, I thought that was obvious by now, but I suppose that intelligence can allude some people. Anyways Satou had been doing weird things like kiss me on the cheek, be semi-possesive over me, and even kiss me at my doorstep. Satou has never strayed from the path of average before, but this is extremely out of the ordinary. Unless this is a cliche love story, but it's obviously not. I mean if you read the title it clearly says ordinary and not cliche.

Anyways last we left off it was Saturday night and I had told my family that my brother is abusive and my parents tried to compensate for that with some quality time with family watching a movie that Teruhashi's perverted brother stars in. The name slipped my mind but anyways it's Monday now.

I was on my way to school just thinking when Satou had caught up with me. 

"Hey! Saiki!" He called out, "Wait up!" I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Hey Satou!" I said, "H-how are you?"

"Oh I'm good," he said smiling, "You doing alright? You seem a little blushy."

He was right, my face was a bit warm, but I couldn't help it. My mind was focused on one thing, and it was the way he left. Very out of the ordinary.

It was like I could still feel his lips on mine, they were warm and full of life, but the kiss itself was so ordinary that I could never forget-

"Saiki," Satou said snapping me out of my thoughts, "You sure you're alright?"

"Oh y-yeah," I said, "I'm perfectly fine. Just thinking is all."

"Alright," Satou said, "Thinking about what?"

"U-um," that's a predicament, how do I tell the guy I like that sees me as nothing more than a friend that I can't stop thinking of him kissing me, "I-i uh, I-i well-"

"Is it the Mera thing?" He asked, "Don't worry she is super chill about it. I talked to her on Sunday and explained why you don't like talking and she totally understood, said she'll stay quiet about it." 'Of course she did ask for a tip because she was staying quiet.' So is she blackmailing you or not?

"O-oh, okay," I said unsure of myself. It really wasn't what I was thinking of which is pretty obvious by now.

"That's not what's bothering you is it?" He asked. How the hell did he know that? "Come on Saiki you can tell me. I'd rather you tell me and it make no sense than you don't tell me." It won't make sense.

"Nope," I said making a finger X over my lips, "I'm not telling you."

"Ah come on," he chuckled at my stupid behavior, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Does he want the short list or the long list? "Well you could be disgusted with me and would stop hanging out with me," I said, "And I end up without any friends again."

"Eh! Never!" He shouted, "I could never leave you behind! Come on just tell me." We were approaching the school at this point, but no one else was around so I was fine with verbally communicating.

"You say never now but-"

'What! Saiki can talk! Why hasn't he done it before? And why is he only talking for that Satou kid?'

"Someone is listening to us," I quickly signed to Satou. We both turned around to see Teruhashi standing there her mouth gaping open.

"Saiki you talked!" She shouted, "You could do it this whole time and didn't tell us!" Well crap. I quickly listened through the thoughts of everyone in the school until I could focus in on two mediums.

An Ordinary Relationship (Satosai Saiki K x Satou Hiroshi)Where stories live. Discover now