Chapter 5- I Wake Up in the Morning for This?

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and I woke up in the oddest way possible. With my crush clinging to me tightly. It must have been his way of keeping me from moving too much and causing a commotion.

I open my eyes, preparing to feel the sharp stab of my hair pins, only to feel no pain. Granted there was a bit of pressure on my skull, but nothing painful. The pain was... Gone. I don't feel the stabs anymore. My brother's cursed design was fixed! I'm free!

"Hehe yay," I said to myself aloud. It may seem weird, but you try stabbing yourself in the head over and over for most of your life every single day and then one day wake up to no longer feel that stabbing pain. Although saying this was probably a mistake because next thing I knew Satou started to stir, and it was not an ordinary time for him to wake up.

"Mmmm Saiki?" He said sleepily, I was both awestruck by how adorable he was, and mentally screaming at myself for ruining his perfect wake up routine, "You're up? But I was enjoying just sleeping here."

"Y-you're holding me like a monkey," I said.

"Huh, yeah," Satou said. He yawned, like really yawned. He must have been so tired he wasn't realizing what he's saying, so cliche, he's perfect, "That's why I enjoyed sleeping here, then you had to wake up and ruin it. Go back to sleep Saiki, I'll be the one to stay awake."

"I have to go h-home," I said, "My p-parents are probably worried since I didn't come h-home last night." That was a lie.

"Mm nah," he said sounding really tired, "You're parents can wait, you should go back to sleep."

"They p-probably shouldn't-"

"They will," Satou said still holding onto me. I tried to escape from his grasps, but he held onto me tight.

"Satou," I said, "Let me go."

"Mm no," he said grabbing me tighter, "I gotta protect you."

"I don't need to be limp anymore Satou," I said, "You put my headband on last night remember?"

"Mm says who?" He said, "I've still gotta protect you."

"If I go back to sleep will you let me go when I wake up?" I asked.

"Mm," he thought, "We'll see. You just go back to sleep and I'll be here."

"Okay," I said, "Just don't take off my glasses, promise?"

"I promise," he said meaningfully.

I allowed myself to drift back off into sleep peacefully with Satou holding onto me.

However my dream was not something that I was expecting.

I was sitting at a Baseball game watching Satou's team, specifically Satou play against another team I didn't care about. Suddenly Toritsuka comes running towards me shouting my name. He suddenly trips on a banana peel and lands right above me, I'm disgusted and about to hit him across the face, then a ball hits him in the back of the head and his lips crash into mine, gross. When I finally get him off of me Satou is looking at us in shock and dismay. Then in pure anger.

"I hate you!" He shouts, "I thought I meant something to you!" He throws his bat and runs away crying. Unbeknownst to him, that bat would fly through the stands and land on Toritsuka's head either knocking him out or killing him I couldn't tell. I realized that this was a dream and looked at the time and date on my watch. It was today's date at 13:15 (1:00 P.M.)

Instantly I woke up in a cold sweat. I waited for a headache to come, but one never did. I looked around to see I was still in Satou's room,but there was no Satou. It was 8:30, a perfectly average time to be awake.

An Ordinary Relationship (Satosai Saiki K x Satou Hiroshi)Where stories live. Discover now