Chapter 11- Weekends are Always a Great Time to Make Promises

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and if you skipped the last chapter it might be confusing why me and Satou are laying down in bed I'll recap you on the important stuff.

It's Friday and because Kaido and Kuboyasu were able to put rumours to rest Touma had left us alone. Me and Satou had done things and now we're laying down and cuddling in bed.

Satou was quick to fall asleep, but I wasn't. I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly normal face. I felt him take long breaths indicating he was asleep. I ran a finger through his perfectly average, but also increadibly soft hair. He was fast asleep so he didn't really argue.

I sat playing with his hair and observing his sleeping behaviors. (I was never able to stay out late enough to observe him sleep) I must have been awake watching him for over an hour because I heard the front door open and close.

I quickly pretended to be asleep and listened to the sound of my parents footsteps. They came closer and closer to my door. I heard the sound of my door opening.

They didn't say anything in my room, but when they closed the door I heard the muffled sounds of their infamous, "Oh dear" and "Oh My"

Eventually my fake sleeping turned into real sleeping and I slowly drifted off into sleep.

My dream was short and sweet. I had been standing next to Satou. He looked older, but he still had the same wonderful smile. He bent down onto one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Saiki Kusuo,I believe you remember when we made that promise. Will you make me the happiest man in the world," He began, "And marry me."

At that moment I woke up with a splitting headache. Painful, but damnit I'm so happy.

I felt a hand running through my hair- carefully so as to not touch my headband. I grabbed onto the hand and held it tightly.

"Heh, I see you're up," Satou said. I didn't respond, instead I hugged him tightly.

"Come on Saiki!" He said, "It's the last game of the season today! At least let me wake up in time to put on my uniform.

Reluctantly I let him go. He got up and changed into his uniform. I turned to the corner to avoid making him uncomfortable, but he was confused by this considering I've already seen him in that state.

When he was done I found a black t-shirt and grey pants and changed into them. We both got up and went downstairs to see my mother cooking.

"Good morning boys~" she said smiling, "I made eggs and bacon for breakfast."

"Thanks Mrs. Saiki," Satou said politely, "I love eggs and bacon." So ordinary, I love him.

"So what were you boys doing last night while we were gone?" My dad asked with a semi-evil grin on his face. Both of us turned red as a tomato and couldn't manage a single comprehensable word.

My parents just laughed. I guess it wasn't that hard to figure out. We continued our  unintelligible speech about what we were doing last night that was very PG-13 and family friendly in a way.

"Oh honey they remind me of us," my mom said continuing to smile, "It's okay kids, me and this handsome shnucomes did the same thing in highschool. We aren't mad."

"You did the same thing in highschool?" I asked for literally no reason.

"Oh yeah," my dad said crossing his arms and closing his eyes while smiling, "We got in a lot of trouble with her dad, but her mom was happy we were so in love."

"And now look where we are," my mom smiled and clung onto my dad's arm.

We finished eating breakfast and I was thanking whatever diety would listen that my parents didn't start asking weird questions.

"Well this has been wonderful," Satou bowed slightly to my parents, "But I have to get to my game. Saiki are you coming?"

"Duh," I said cleaning my plate up and meeting him at the door.

"Goodbye boys," my mom said, "Good luck Satou!"

We left and walked to his baseball game hand in hand. When we reached the field I tried to let go so he could meet up with his team, but he wouldn't allow it.

He held my hand and had me walk up to the gate with him. When we reached the gate he let go of my hand. I went to walk away, but he grabbed a clump of my shirt and pulled me into a loving kiss.

I opened my eyes wide, but closed them as I melted into the kiss. I could hear his teammates making stupid noises, but I didn't care.

Once we parted I smiled. He gave me a cheeky smile that made me blush harder than I already was.

"I love you," I signed shakily.

"I love you too," he said, "Now go find a good seat." I watched him run off to his team. I decided to find a good place to stand.

As I expected the game carried out as ordinary. The game was tied, but when Satou went up to bat he hit a home run. The game ended with a roar of cheers from the students of P.K. Academy. I ran to the gate to meet Satou who dashed over to hug me in a tight and cheerful embrace.

"Satou," the team captain called out, "Great job man! The team party is tomorrow at 3! Go enjoy a date with your boyfriend!" I blushed and Satou laughed a bit.

"Thanks bro!" Satou yelled, "See you tomorrow!"

"So where are we going?" I signed.

"Know a place," Satou said, "We can walk there together, come on let's go!"

We walked for a while. He led the way smiling at me every so often and I smiled back.

"Here we are!" Satou announced. I recognized the place. It was the same as in my dream. A lookout over the sparkling water with lights from the neighborhood shimmering over the waters.

"It's beautiful," I said smiling at the scenery, "Of course not as beautiful as you." He smiled.

"Saiki I love you," he said, "I will never stop loving you. I don't know what the future will hold, but whatever happens promise me we'll get through it together? And that we'll always love each other?" He held out his pinky as a form of waiting for my answer.

I smiled and stuck mine out interlocking it with his.

"I promise," I said, "I promise to stick with you until the end of time.


Oh man that took forever. Btw thanks for 3k reads. The next chapter is definitely going to be the last one. Be sure to continue liking, voting, and my favorite commenting. Seriously you guys will never know how much I love seeing your comments. I'm sorry the chapters are so short, but it's the best I can manage. See you in the next one which will be the last, then I can get back to work on my other stories.

Ignore this last part I'm trying to fix something

*Kuboyasu edit

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