Chapter 32: Love for My Family

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Ahk almost jumps at my response and slowly slips the ring on my ring finger. I admire the ring before falling into Ahk and giving him the longest kiss imaginable. He stands up while holding me and spins me around. Everyone in the museum cheers loudly. Ahk puts me down and I look at him with tears streaming down my face. Ahk was also crying. I hug him tightly and cry into his chest. Suddenly I feel more arms wrap around me. I turn around and it was Joana. I smile. Soon everyone joins us into a group hug. We stay huddled around each other for the longest time, but I didn't mind, because it felt right.

*time passes*

We decided to throw a little celebration for me and Ahk's engagement. I thought it was a little weird since we were celebrating in the museum, but I was surrounded by the people and the things that I love so I didn't care.
     "Do you guys always have parties in the museum?" I ask Ahk as I try to speak over the loud music.
     "Yeah every once in a while," Ahk chuckles.
Joana runs up behind me and jabs me softly in my side. I yelp and jump and turn around.
"I hate you," I laugh.
"Nah you love me," she says.
She sways side to side to the beat of the music.
"So now I see why you bought the dress, and what celebration it was for," I say as I point to her dress.
"Yeah," she says softly as she looks down at the dress and twirls around.
"Wait so long did you guys have this day planned?" I look back and forth at Ahk and Joana repeatedly.
Ahk looks at Joana and she motions for him to start all of the talking.
"Basically ever since we found out you were pregnant. After that, I knew that it would be best to propose to you sooner or later. So I talked to your parents about it whenever you weren't around. We felt that getting everything ready on shopping day was best. So your parents called up Joana and told her everything. Her job was to keep you occupied while me and your parents went to buy a ring," Ahk says.
I look at both of them shocked with my mouth wide open.
"Wow," I breathe out. Ahk and Joana both nod. "You guys really DO love me!" I hug them both tightly.

*time passes*

The museum was a complete mess. There were streamers and confetti everywhere. Larry goes around cleaning everything up as the sun starts to rise. I walk over to Larry as I help him clean up.
"Thank you," I mumble.
"No problem. You've helped out a lot around here so the least I could do was celebrate your engagement," Larry says.
"I didn't realize that I was so loved around here."
"Even though you're a queen, everyone in the museum looks up to you. Even Nick does."
I look up at Larry as he says that. "Really?" I ask.
     "Yeah you should see they way he lights up whenever he talks about you. You're like the big sister he never had."
Just as Larry says that, Nick enters the room with a trash bag, getting ready to help us clean up the museum.
"You think of me as a big sister?!" I beam.
Nick looks shocked and immediately turns to Larry. "Dad! Why did you tell her?!"
"Hey she deserved to know," Larry says, putting his hands up.
"Look I'm not making fun of you for thinking of me as a big sister. I think that's really sweet," I smile.
     "Yeah well for me it's embarrassing," Nick pouts.
     "How is that embarrassing? You're like a little brother to me. I think of everyone in this museum as family. You all have done so much for me and I don't know how to thank you guys enough."
     "You've shown that by helping out around here. I think that's enough," Larry says. Nick cheers up and nods.
I walk closer to them to hug them both. They've been there for me since day one, and there's nothing in this world that could show them how much I appreciate them. Nothing as big as the love in my heart for them.

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