Chapter 7: Day 2

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By the time I had woken up, it was 5:30 in the afternoon. My mom let me get as much sleep as possible since I had gotten home so late...well early. I jump out of bed and get myself ready for work. I guess this is how my life will be from now on. Going to work around 6pm, working until dawn, going home and sleeping until 5:30pm, and repeat. But it would be worth it since Ahk is in my life. I'm really grateful that I have this job or else I wouldn't have ever met him. As I'm brushing my teeth, I look at the necklace that he gave me that's still around my neck. It shines brightly from the bright sun gleaming into the bathroom.
Once I'm finished with everything, I get dressed, grab my phone and my cars keys, and head downstairs. My parents are sitting at the kitchen table. My dad is reading an article in the newspaper and my mom is eating lunch.
     "Hey Y/N. How'd you sleep," my dad asks looking away from the paper to look at me
     "Fine I guess. I'm just ready for work," I say.
     "Why's that?" my mom asks as she takes a sip from her glass of water.
     "Being a night guard is actually really cool! The museum-,". I have to stop myself from continuing. I had to remember that Larry told me that NO ONE can know about the museum coming to life at night. "You find out a lot about the museum," I say.
     "Like what?" my dad asks.
     "Like....uhm....." I look around the room trying to find an answer.
     "Honey just let her leave for work before she's late. She can tell you more later," my mom says.
Thank goodness!
     "Right I should be going. Bye," I say as I turn to leave.
     "Wait Y/N aren't you going to grab something to eat?" my mom asks.
     "I can pick something up on the way there."
     "Alright. Bye sweetie."
I walk out the door and head over to my car. I put the car in gear and I'm off to work.

*time passes*

I walk into the museum and see Larry standing up on a ladder at the balcony. He was trying to fix the ledge. Oops. I forgot I broke it.
     "Hey Larry," I say as I put my phone and my keys in my pocket.
     "Hey Y/N. I'm just fixing this balcony. Dr. McPhee called me this morning about it. I had almost forgotten that it broke."
     "Right. That was my fault. I need to remember to pay attention to my surroundings," I shamefully laugh at myself.
     "Hey it was an accident. And at least you didn't get hurt, right?"
I watch as he connects the broken pieces together.
     "So you need any help," I ask.
     "No I got it. But can you help Nick with his homework while I'm fixing the ledge?" he says, not looking away from the ledge.
I walk over to the front desk and Nick has a workbook open. I closely look and see several paragraphs followed by blank lines. Great. I HATE reading passages and short answer. This is going to be a while.
"Alright so, what do you need help with?"

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