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" Alright, Dami, time for bed." After Jason had calmed me down, I tried to ignore everyone. Sitting myself, made sure not to talk, sticking to the shadows but making sure everyone everyone stayed out of trouble.

" Will you stay with me?" Dami asked in a small voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but sat on the foot of the bed, " What's wrong, Dami."

" What happened to you?" Damian question bluntly.

I let out a soft chuckle, " Gee, thanks."

" Tch."

" Maybe I'll tell you when you ask with social abilities." I shrugged and started to get up.

" Percy, can I ask what happened in your childhood?" Damian asked. I smiled, turned back around. Damian smirked and scooted over on his bed.

" It's a lot," I sighed, sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with my feet stretching out.

" I would like to know." Damian snuggled in next to me.

" Well, it mostly involves a lot of kidnappings and fights. I guess a little too much of everything." I shrugged.

" Tell me more." Damian commanded as sweetly as he could with his very little social skills.

" Okay," I tried to rack my brain for something a little less traumatic and wouldn't give away how much mental stress is really put on me, " What do you want to know?"

" Tell me about your mother."

" Ah, my mom." I smiled, " She was the nicest women ever. She had brown curly hair, and she would never get mad. No matter what I did, no matter how many schools I got kicked out of. Mom always loved me for who I was. My mom worked in a candy shop, which was kind of ironic, since she was the sweetest person ever." I continued to tell Dami about my mother until he fell asleep. Smiling down on the door, I ran my fingers in his hair.

I was about to get up when Damian clung onto my shirt. He was leaning on my shoulder with my arm around his. Biting my lip and closing my eyes, I suppressed a coo and pulled his body closer to me. Seeing that I couldn't move or get up, I looked around for something to do. There was a cup of water on the bed side table and I made sure Dami was asleep. Starting to twirl the water around, making different shapes and motions.

The power use was slowly starting to wear me out, so I the water back into the cup. Sucking in a deep breathe, I tried to untangle myself from Dami but he woke up and let out a frustrated groan and pulled me back. I let out a soft laugh, " Your clingy when your tired."

" Shut up, Jackson," Dami growled, then tried to crawl away.

I smirked at his pettiness and pulled him back, " Sorry I woke you up, but I should probably go home."

" I believe it's too late to walk home. Stay in an extra room. Father won't mind." Damian pulled away from me again and cuddled into the pillows.

" Good night, Damian." I smiled and rubbed his head one last time. Closing the door, I made my way out of the manor.

The same thing was repeated over the course of the next few weeks minus the nightmare breakdown before dinner. Thankfully, Dami was healed and was able to go on patrol. So, now I can start looking for a night time job to bring in a little cash and occupy my night time since I couldn't- or wouldn't sleep at night.

Damian had just gone to get ready for patrol so I was cleaning up. After I was done, I couldn't find anyone to tell them since I wasn't to bother Bruce who was resting in his room. I was leaving so I had to do down to the basement. After stepping off the stairs, I pull the hair out from under my jacket, " Hello?"

After getting no reply, I started to walk father in the cave, " I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving."

Having no response, sighing and wrinkling my nose, I walked to the computer. On the screen, was the man in my nightmares. His eyes and cheeks were sunken in with red painted scars. His green eyes had an insane look to them. Green hair was stuck up in random places with mattings everywhere. Sucking in a breath I cover my mouth and step back.

" I always tell replacement to take it down, too." Jason said.

Startled, I turned around, putting equal weight on both feet and protected my rib cage with my arms. I slowly relaxed as my eyes blurred with tears. Realizing that it was Jason, I quickly wiped my tears away, " Hey, I was just coming to say I was leaving."

" You okay, doll?"

" Yeah. I was just heading home."

" Do you want me to walk you home?" Jason asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Biting my inner lip, " No, enough of you already have seen my house already."

" What's wrong with your house?" Jason asked as he follows me up the stairs.

" It's hard to explain." I sigh, stepping out of the grandfathers clock.

" Is it easier to show me?" Jason had a shit eating smirk on his face.

" Yeah, but your not seeing my house." I shake my head.

" Hey, where are you going?" Dick came in to the office and glared at Jason. Then his expressions changed when he looked at me, a small trace of anger but over all his usual dorky smile was still in plastered on his face.

" I'm going home." I smile and then walk past.

" I'm leaving as well." Jason said.

I was hit with an unsettling deja vu moment, stopping me in my place, " You guys are going tonight, aren't you?"

" Wha..." Dick trailed off, but realized what I was saying, " Yeah, we are."

I turned around, glaring into their eyes. I didn't want them to go, trying to find the right words since I couldn't tell them not to go, " Be safe."

" Of course we will." Dick walked forward and trying to reach for me but I took a step back.

" I'm being serious. You have to be very careful."

" Don't worry, Doll, nothing's gonna happen. We're professional." Jason scoffed lightly heartedly. He was still looking at me with worry in his eyes.

" You don't understand." I turned around to walk back outside since I couldn't explain.

" Then help us understand." Jason cut me off and stood in front of me.

" Remember my nightmares. Ones like those always come to pass. It's like a prophecy. No action or preparation can change it. So, when I'm asking you to be careful, try and prolong it as long as you can."

" Prolong what? What happens?" Dick steps forward, trying to get a good view of me.

My eyebrows dropped, " Bruce didn't tell you?"

" Tell us what?" Jason growled. I shook my head, then walked out. Jason growled again and took my arm and spun me around and pushed me to a wall. His eyes were full of fear and he was on the verge of tears. Jason had me pinned against the wall, having no chance of escape.

" Jason, lay off her." Dick pulled his brother away, " But what are you and Bruce hiding."

I clenched my jaw, " Just be careful." Then quickly walked away.

1229 words


Hey, it's a little short but whatever. Have a good day/night.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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