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I stare at Jason. I didn't know how to answer him. Thankfully, Jason phone rang and pulled him away. Taking a breathe I slip out of the room with his back turned. Biting the inside of my lip I go to the guest room. Sitting on the bed, I grab a fist full of my shirt. Pulling it away from my throat, trying to get some air in.

It's fine. I'm in Jason's appointment. I just ate eggs for breakfast and the water was normal. The air is easy to breathe. Taking a shaky breathe in, I lay down. I hate that you can never fully recover from something. It always sticks with you, like wet clothing.

Staring at the popcorn ceiling, I try to see figures in the bumps and groves. Jason pops his head in. "Can I come in?"

I glance at him. "Sure."

He walks in and lays beside me. "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"It's fine." I shrug.

"That was Bruce. He said that he needs me for a mission." Jason sighs. I could tell he felt bad but didn't know what else to say. I wasn't lying when I said it was fine. I'm just tired of freaking out when talking about that place.

"Alright," I sit up, "you ready to go?"

"Are you going?" Jason asked. "You could just stay here."

"Yeah, I know. But I should probably start packing for school and Damian is probably halfway done with killing Tim." I smiled.

Jason sat up but frowned. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I put a hand on his knee, making him look at me. "I'm fine. And I'll tell you about it later. It just surprised me, is all."

"I'm sorry." Jason stared at me.

"I promise, it's fine." I try and give a smile but it probably came out as a grimace. Jason didn't seem convinced but offered me a hand to stand up.

We isn't talk until we got to his bike, where he handed me the helmet. When he didn't release it I looked up. Jason sighed and looked up to meet my eyes. "I don't want to rush you into talking, but I just want to make sure you know that you can talk to me about anything. Nothing you say about anything will change the way I feel about you. I won't pity you or treat you differently. I just want to know to help you. But I want you to tell me when your ready."

My eyes widen at his words. He gives my hand a squeeze and kisses the top of my head. Jason straddles the bike and waits for me to hop on. I tried to clear my mind as we rode to the cave to get our mission report. But I couldn't keep my mind from slipping back to that place. Everything was so overwhelming. I hated the way helmet hugged my head and the way I heard the engine roar louder in one ear then the other. I felt like crying or throwing a fit.

Jason helped me get off the bike but we didn't speak. He was giving me space and I very much needed and appreciated it. When we got to the cave almost everyone was there. I leaned against the back wall of the briefing room, crossing my arms so no one sees the shake in my hands. Although I'm in a room full of detectives, they're going to notice either way.

My mind kept racing back to the toxic air and glass floors. My throat burned at the thought of the fire water. Tartarus was standing on the horizon waiting for me to fall into his trap. A hand nudged my arm. In one movement Riptide was out and on their neck. They were on the ground on their back with their arms pinned to their side. The cyclops slowly turned into Jason. A frightened expression was on his face. Not for his own health but for me. He could have easily flipped the position and had the upper hand but he just laid there. "Percy."

I bit the inside of my lip, then forced a laugh and a smile. "Sorry, I zoned out."

Jason gave me a skeptical look but nodded. "Bruce wants us to suit up. He'll brief us afterwards."

I nodded. My head felt heavy and light at the same time, a fear and sadness resting in my chest. Jason raised his eyebrows. "You gotta get up, Doll."

I mentally shook off that feeling and stood up. Jason got up as well and lightly grabbed my arms. "I want you to know it's okay to stay behind. You're not a hero."

"I know. I want to." I nodded. "Plus, I don't think you guys are as good without me." Jason rolled his eyes but pulled me towards the suits and dressing rooms.

After I had changed into the my bat family style suit I sat in the chair farthest from the front and waited till everyone was there. The talk with Jason had calmed me down but I was still super aware of the water in the pipes, the feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Jason sat beside me, his helmet on the table. "How long do you think this is going to take? I'm planning on taking this one girl on a date when I get back."

"Oh, are you?" I ask.

"Yeah, you know any good restaurants?" Jason asked, leaning back in his chair with his feet up.

"I heard that Chinese place down town is good." I smile.

"Jason, get your feet off the table." Bruce walked in wearing a tux. He was finishing putting his cuff links on when he stepped up to the hologram. "I'm sure you all have heard that the joker is out again. You goal today is to bring him into custody." He gives Jason a pointed look. "Alive."

"Why do you always thinks I'm the killer? Damian has probably killed just as much as I have?" Jason said.

"Just be careful." Bruce says and goes on to explain the mission.

1025 words


Holy shit

I haven't updated in so long. How are you guys doing? My messages are always open if you guys need to talk.

The next update should be out soon and I have a big plan for it lol

Pieces Angels and stay safe

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