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" So," I trail off, " What do you want to do?"

The two assassins sat across from me, staring at me. They didn't give any clue to as what they wanted to do. Cass sat silently, observing and studying me. " Is anyone opposed to a movie?"

" Just pick something, Jackson." Damian rolled his eyes. He seemed a bit more agitated then normal.

" How about a movie?" I asked. Both of them sat there, doing nothing. " A movie, it is."

Going through the movies they had, I picked Cars since I liked it as a kid. Setting it up, I stand up, " Alright, I'm going to go clean a few things, so if you need me I'll be around."

I feel their eyes as I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. As I start unloading the dishwasher, I become aware of a certain presence, just watching me. I slowly hesitate, trying to see why it seems for familiar, yet foreign. Then it clicks.

" Hey, Cass." I put the dish I had in my hand away and turn towards her. She just stares back me, giving me a single blink.

" Do you need anything?" I asked. She lightly shook her head, " Okay."

I slowly went back to work just trying to ignore her staring. I got enough information from the rest of the household to know that she doesn't talk much. She was obliviously heavily trained, waiting for something bad to happen. Always on edge and taking everything in.

" Why don't you go watch cars with Dami?" I asked. Cass blinked when I called him 'Dami.'

" Because it's a movie for a bunch of children." Damian appeared at the door way.

" Your ten years old, Dami. Your a child." I rolled my eyes as I closed the dish washer, " I'm just going to be cleaning for a bit so what the children's movie then you can do more 'mature' things."

" I'll be in my room." Dami said abruptly.

I narrowed my eyes as he walked out, " He's acting weird, right?"

Cass nodded and went back to watching me. It was slightly unnerving, being watched constantly. I was kind of used to it because Damian but this was different, he was just judging. But with Cass, she was evaluating, calculating my next move and judging. " So what do you like to do for fun."

She shrugged. I nodded, trying to find something fun to do. " Maybe we could draw after I finish cleaning." This time the shrug seemed a bit more chipper.

" Do you want to finish the movie before we draw?"

" No." Hearing her voice made me a jump a bit. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she took a step back.

" Sorry, I just didn't..." I trailed off not knowing how to word it, " It's fine, how about I quickly finish up so we can start drawing."

She nodded once again and followed me out the door. I finished the laundry as quick as I could and swept while I waited to switch the laundry. After putting the clothes in the dryer, I let Cass follow me to the game room where there was a closet. Surprising, and by some musical, there was a few stray boxes of markers and a few pieces of paper. " Ima go ask if Dami wants to join."

I set the paper and markers down and went to the young boys room, " Hey, Dami?"

" What do you want Jackson."

" Me and Cass are going to draw, do you want to join us?" I asked, poking my head in. He was sitting on the bed sharpening his katana.

" No." He said bluntly.

Something was up with Damian. I have seen Damian's drawings that he had kept around his room while I put his laundry away or went to wake him up. He was really good and definitely wouldn't miss coming down and drawing with us. I closed the door behind me and sat on his bed beside him, " Is there something wrong?"

" Everything is fine Jackson." Dami rolled his eyes but stole a quickly glance over at me.

" Are you sure? You-"

" Jackson, I said I'm fine. I don't need you to watch over me like I'm a little child, you can do your job without trying to bond with me. If it were up to me, you wouldn't even be here." Damian snapped.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think of what I did wrong as my eyes slightly stung. Taking a quick breathe in, standing up, " I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone."

Damian didn't look at me as I left. After I closed the door I tried to keep the tears. Why did I care so much that a ten year old boy didn't want to hang out with me? I quickly composed myself and went back to Cass. She was sitting on the floor drawing a picture of a rose. Cass looked at me as soon as she heard my footsteps. When the black haired girl looked me her analysis started again, but deeper. She took a piece of paper and handed it to me. " Thanks."

Even thought I didn't feel like drawing, I still did it for the sake of Cass. Did something happen to Damian that pissed him off? Or did he just grow tired of me?

I was brought out of my thoughts when Cass put her hand on my knee, " You okay?"

I smiled softly, " I'm fine."

She obviously could tell that it was a lie, just as she could tell that I was sad. I hated that there was a whole household that could read me like a book. Trying to get my mind off it, I took a look at her drawing. It was a three roses that looked like they were drawn by a five year old but I could tell what they were, " I like your roses."

Cass looked up at me excitedly, " Thanks."

" I like your ocean." She replied, after a few minutes. She took a minute to herself to sound the words to herself before we beamed up at me.

" Thank you."

1023 words


Dang, I'm sorry this took so long. I was debating writing Cass out of the book so it just be Dami and Jon as the main cinnamon rolls but it's whatever. But now that marching band is over, I should have more time.

Also, I placed third in state for band, so that's kinda cool.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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