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" You see a bit lost in thought, Perseu-Percy," Kaldur appeared beside me as I was walking home since they went on another mission.

Startled, I jump, " Kaldur, don't sneak up on me."

" Apologies. But may I ask what's on your mind?"

" Oh, nothing. Just thinking." That's not true. I was wondering why Damian was being so closed off. It's like all the process I've made in the past two months were gone. He treated me like a stranger.

" You we're never that good at lying." Kaldur joked, slightly. Which wasn't true, I was pretty good with lying. It's just that Kaldur could read me like a book.

" I just don't know what I want to do. Should I keep babysitting year round or should I go to college?" I asked, which had also been bouncing around my more recently as the summer started coming to an end.

" What do you want to do?" Kaldur asked.

I groaned, " I don't know. That's the problem."

" Is that all?" Kaldur asked.

I shrugged and came to a stop at the traffic light. How could I tell him that just because a ten year old boy that has been a bit more cold to me for the past few day hurt my feelings. Tim said there was no change but there definitely was. But it did give me time to bond with Cass.

" Would you like to join the team for lunch and then game night?" Kaldur asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, " Perhaps it would get your mind off what all of bothering you."

I smiled, " Maybe. I should probably change."

Kaldur looked at me, " I think you look fine, perfectly dressed."

Shaking my head, " I think your just saying that so you don't show up late."

" I wouldn't might going late if I'm with you." Kaldur glanced to the side but kept looking down at me.

I blushed a bit, not used to the formality of his words. Not to mention he's not bad looking, with kind heart. " I don't want to intrude."

" I'm sure they won't mind. You already know them as well from breakfast." Kaldur pulled at the itchy turtleneck on his gills, " I would really appreciate it you came."

I rolled my eyes playfully, " I mean if you insist."

" I do." Kaldur smiled and started leading me to the meeting place.

We talked the whole way, by we I mean me. Kaldur just listened to my nonstop rambling that would switch topics every few seconds. Kaldur didn't say anything and only let out a small chuckle. Suddenly, we walked up to nice little house that had two cars in the driveway. One looked like Dick's and other I didn't recognize.

Kaldur led me to the door and gently knocked. A couple seconds later, Wally opened the door, " Kaldur! Nice to see you, man!"

" I hope it is alright I brought a friend," Then blonde stepped to the side so I wasn't standing directly behind him.

I gave a shy little wave as I leaned away from Kaldur to be seen more by Wally, " Hey, Wally."

" Oh, Percy! Of course it's okay!" Wally waved us in to the house, " Come on in, we have snacks in the kitchen and we'll start games or a movie soon."

Kaldur and I followed Wally into the kitchen when Dick was telling the rest of the group something, " I just don't know what to do. Jason also likes her and he keeps pissing me off. But should I make a move before he does? But I can't tell if P-"

" Hey!" Wally hurriedly cut off Dick, " Look who Kaldur brought!"

" Percy!" Megan yelled excitedly. She flew from her seat, literally, and hugged me, " How have you been?"

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