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After I had finished dinner, I looked around the kitchen for a plate. " Alright, Jon, clear the table."

There was a whoosh and a gust of wind. The table was clear and Jon was sitting eagerly at the table. " What the"

Jon tilted his his slightly, like a confused puppy. Then saw the plate of Mac and Cheese and got giddy again. I set it down in front of him, " Enjoy."

Jon dug in joyfully, scraping as much as he could into his house. He got three mouthfuls in and he looked back at me, then mumbled something. " Swallow before you speak."

Jon gulped down the Mac and cheese, " Aren't you eating?"

" I'm fine." I smiled at him. If I was being honest, I was starving but I could possibly eat his food.

Jon scrunched his eyebrows and went to the kitchen. I following him with my eyes and I saw him get a plate and fill it up with the rest of Mac and cheese in the pot. Then he took the plate and sit it front of me, " Ma says it's always important to eat, even when you don't particularly feel like eating it."

" Expect when you're full." He smiles a little bit. He had a noodle stuck on his face and cheese around the brims of his mouth. I almost wanted to cry about how pure he was. I got a napkin from the center of the table and wiped his mout off. Then he was pack to his food, " Ma and Pa say that if I get well I can grow big and strong. Maybe I can even fight with Pa and Kon! How cool would that be?"

" You'd be the best."

" Do you have any siblings." Jon asked.

I froze, " Um, yeah. I have a brother."

" Kon is my brother, although when he's in a bad mood he says he's not. I know he is though! I love him like one." Jon mumbled over his words in the first part, then got to his normal personality in the end.

" I'm sure he loves you, too." I smile and take a bit of the Mac and cheese.

" Yeah! That's what Ma says, anyway." Jon smiles. Then continues to tell me about the one time Conner played with him and his trucks. It almost made me a bit mad that Conner would do such a a thing, even if he wasn't related to him.

" Having a big brother is cool, but I always wanted a sister. Maybe you can be my sister?" Jon asked.

I laughed and pat his head, slightly ruffling his hair. " Maybe."

The rest of the night went smoothly. We were sitting on the couch watching Toy Story 2, when I took a peek at the clock. Eight forty two, twelve minutes past when he was supposed to stop screens. Thankfully, the credits were rolling and Jon was almost passed out beside me. He had a very hard time keeping his eyes open and he would roll his head back and then snap forward. Sometime during the movie he had moved to snuggle with my arm as he had his head leaning on my shoulder.

" Alright, Jonny, let's go brush our teeth." I slowly shake him off my arm, just enough to get him to release and wake up just enough to get ready for bed.

" Do I have to?" He mumbled, clutching into my arm again.

I laugh lightly, " You don't want your teeth to rot out, do you?"

Jon snapped half awake, which was more then he was before, and got up. I followed him to the bathroom to make sure he didn't topple over and pass out. Maybe scaring him wasn't the best idea to get him going, but it's working. I still felt slightly bad as I watched Jon scrub at his teeth so hard the brush was about to snap, " Hey! Be a little bit nicer, alright. Your teeth have feelings, too. You have to take care of them but if you scrub them too hard it can be bad. Like this."

I take the brush from him and show him how to do it. He smiled thankfully at me and does it by himself. Thankfully, not as rough but still good enough to get a good job done. If his body was invincible, like his dad, does that mean he can't get cavities?

Once Jon was done with that, I picked him up with a surprising amount of ease. Since he looked like a ten year old I expected him feel like one, but he was pretty light, all things conceded. Normally, I wouldn't pick up a seven year old but sweet baby Jon was so tired he could barely stand up straight. " Alright, Jonny, what pj's do you want?"

I looked in his dressers to see he had mostly Superman themed but there was a few Disney ones. " Cars."

He nuzzled his head into my neck as I carefully balanced him on my hip and got out his pj's. The pajamas he wanted had lightning McQueen on them and they were quite cute. Then I set Jon on the bed, " Do you need help changing?"

" Yes, please." The boy mumbled.

I smiled and tried not to coo as I helped him take his shirt off and replace it. Then did the same with the bottoms. I gently picked him up again and pulled the covers back. Getting him all tucked in, I ruffled his hair, " Good night, Jonny."

" Good night, Percy." Jon murmured.

I closed my eyes as I smiled. I quickly walked out of his room and closed the door. " Sweet dreams, mini super."

I carefully go down the steps, making sure I don't trip and fall and wake Jon up. When I got back down to the ground level, I start cleaning up some of the mess we had made. Quietly, putting the dishes away and cleaning them. Afterwards, I put in Moana and sat on the couch. Suddenly the exhaustion hit me and I tried to fight sleep off, but I slowly drifted.

1021 words


Sorry, this chapter kinda sucked, like wording wise. I guess, idk how to explain it. But who's ready to fail their humanities quiz tomorrow?

For some reason I want to do a Christmas special but it's not even close. So I think I'm going to start doin birthdays since there's like three august birthdays and the north starts school in September, right? So, it would still be summer when they have birthdays?

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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